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With restart, "solution file doesn't match mesh"

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Old   July 12, 2016, 15:22
Default With restart, "solution file doesn't match mesh"
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danielcollins is on a distinguished road

I am running an unsteady simulation. I found that my simulation time was too small, so I am trying to restart the solution and extend the simulation time.

I set up the restart process in the .cfg file, but I get the following error:
"The solution file [flow.dat] doesn't match with the mesh file. It could be empty lines at the end of the file."

There are no empty lines at the end of the file. And I only have one .cfg and one .su2 file, so I'm not sure what to do to get the two to match. Any suggestions?

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Old   July 20, 2016, 14:19
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Heather Kline
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hlk is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by danielcollins View Post

I am running an unsteady simulation. I found that my simulation time was too small, so I am trying to restart the solution and extend the simulation time.

I set up the restart process in the .cfg file, but I get the following error:
"The solution file [flow.dat] doesn't match with the mesh file. It could be empty lines at the end of the file."

There are no empty lines at the end of the file. And I only have one .cfg and one .su2 file, so I'm not sure what to do to get the two to match. Any suggestions?

Based on your output, it looks as though you may have entered the flow visualization file (by default named flow.dat) rather than the flow restart file (by default named restart_flow.dat, and renamed to solution_flow.dat by the user prior to restarting the solution). 'flow.dat' is an output file formatted such that it can be opened by visualization software (ie, tecplot or paraview, depending on the settings specified in the config file), whereas 'restart_flow.dat' contains the information needed by the simulation itself.

Note that for unsteady restarts, depending on the type of unsteady simulation, you may need multiple restart files - it will give a similar error stating the file name it expects.
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