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Forces calculation in hypersonic Mars entry simulation

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Old   April 13, 2016, 23:20
Default Forces calculation in hypersonic Mars entry simulation
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Florian Nguyen
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Tokyo, Japan
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Awak is on a distinguished road
Hello to you friends,

I am usually more of an OpenFOAM user but I was recently proposed to work on a atmospheric entry simulation. As OpenFOAM is not suited for hypersonic regimes, I consider using SU2 on a Mach number ranging subsonic to 10. My goal is to determine aerodynamic coefficients at various Mach number and density conditions. I am assuming a zero angle of attack configuration and my body has axial symmetry.

I can generate my surface mesh for the body that I am studying, and I think I can deal with most of the .cfg file too, but how I to post-process my results and extract the data that I need is still unclear to me.

Any of you guys would happen to have any tip or piece of advice for me?

Thanks for your time,

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Old   May 26, 2016, 16:09
Senior Member
Heather Kline
Join Date: Jun 2013
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hlk is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Awak View Post
Hello to you friends,

I am usually more of an OpenFOAM user but I was recently proposed to work on a atmospheric entry simulation. As OpenFOAM is not suited for hypersonic regimes, I consider using SU2 on a Mach number ranging subsonic to 10. My goal is to determine aerodynamic coefficients at various Mach number and density conditions. I am assuming a zero angle of attack configuration and my body has axial symmetry.

I can generate my surface mesh for the body that I am studying, and I think I can deal with most of the .cfg file too, but how I to post-process my results and extract the data that I need is still unclear to me.

Any of you guys would happen to have any tip or piece of advice for me?

Thanks for your time,

Sorry for the delay in reply,
With tecplot output the volume flow output is output in a file called flow.dat, the surface information is in surface_flow.dat which has the surface specified by marker_plotting. File extensions will change for paraview output.
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