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Running with multiple compute nodes in parallel compute

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Old   March 2, 2016, 04:31
Unhappy Running with multiple compute nodes in parallel compute
New Member
Xie Chen
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 11
Zetrov is on a distinguished road
I have built SU2 with openmpi and I can running these command lines successfully:

mpirun -hostfile hostfile -n 6 SU2_CFD inv_NACA0012.cfg

my hostfile was set like this:
node1 slot=4
node2 slot=4

I also have modified MPI command lines in ~/SU2/run/ like this
'srun -hostfile hostfile -n %i %s'
'mpirun -hostfile hostfile -n %i %s'
'mpiexec -hostfile hostfile -n %i %s'

so I can also run command " -n 6 -f inv_NACA0012.cfg"
with 6 cores.

But when I try the command " -n 6 -f inv_NACA0012_adv.cfg", there are always problems.

[su2@node1 bin]$ -n 6 -f inv_NACA0012_adv.cfg

Release 4.0.2 "Cardinal"

Found: mesh_NACA0012_inv.su2
New Project: ./
Removing old designs in 10s. Done!

Sequential Least SQuares Programming (SLSQP) parameters:
Number of design variables: 38
Objective function scaling factor: 0.001
Maximum number of iterations: 100
Requested accuracy: 1e-13
Initial guess for the independent variable(s): [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Lower and upper bound for each independent variable: [(-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0), (-10000000000.0, 10000000000.0)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/", line 154, in <module>
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/", line 99, in main
options.quiet )
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/", line 137, in shape_optimization
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/opt/", line 128, in scipy_slsqp
epsilon = eps )
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 217, in fmin_slsqp
mieq = len(f_ieqcons(x))
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 97, in function_wrapper
return function(x, *args)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/opt/", line 211, in con_cieq
cons = project.con_cieq(x)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/opt/", line 233, in con_cieq
return self._eval(konfig, func,dvs)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/opt/", line 182, in _eval
vals = design._eval(func,*args)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/eval/", line 142, in _eval
vals = eval_func(*inputs)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/eval/", line 432, in con_cieq
func = su2func(this_con,config,state)
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/eval/", line 85, in function
aerodynamics( config, state )
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/eval/", line 224, in aerodynamics
info =
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/run/", line 81, in direct
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/run/", line 110, in CFD
run_command( the_Command )
File "/home/su2/su2/bin/SU2/run/", line 268, in run_command
raise exception , message
RuntimeError: Path = /home/su2/su2/bin/DESIGNS/DSN_001/DIRECT/,
Command = mpirun -hostfile /home/su2/openmpi/hostfile -n 6 /home/su2/su2/bin/SU2_CFD config_CFD.cfg
SU2 process returned error '143'
[node1][[17791,1],3][btl_tcp_frag.c:215:mca_btl_tcp_frag_recv] mca_btl_tcp_frag_recv: readv failed: Connection reset by peer (104)
mpirun noticed that process rank 4 with PID 109145 on node node2 exited on signal 15 (Terminated).

Did I miss something??
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Old   March 2, 2016, 21:10
New Member
Xie Chen
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 11
Zetrov is on a distinguished road
try it again last night

nothing happened...

I'm gotta mad...
Zetrov is offline   Reply With Quote


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