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Segmentation fault during gust simulation

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Old   February 16, 2016, 07:58
Default Segmentation fault during gust simulation
New Member
Oshin Ponnuchamy
Join Date: Feb 2016
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I am a beginner to SU2.
I tried to run a gust simulation over the wing of NASA Common Research model. But the error occurred as "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

How do I modify the cfg file so as to rectify this error?
I have attached the mesh file, cfg file and the output log as the zip folder.

The output is as follows.

------------------------ Physical Case Definition -----------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.3.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
Performing a dynamic mesh simulation: No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference length/area (force coefficient) is 1.
The reference length (moment computation) is 1.
Reference origin (moment computation) is (0.25, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: wing.
Surface(s) plotted in the output file: wing.
Surface(s) belonging to the Fluid-Structure Interaction problem:
Input mesh file name: Wing.su2

---------------------- Space Numerical Integration ----------------------
Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel scheme for the flow inviscid terms.
JST viscous coefficients (1st, 2nd & 4th): 0.15, 0.5, 0.02.
The method includes a grid stretching correction (p = 0.3).
Second order integration.
Gradient computation using Green-Gauss theorem.

---------------------- Time Numerical Integration -----------------------
Unsteady simulation, dual time stepping strategy (second order in time).
Unsteady time step provided by the user (s): 0.0014693.
Total number of internal Dual Time iterations: 100.
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
W Multigrid Cycle, with 3 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
CFL adaptation. Factor down: 0, factor up: 0,
lower limit: 1, upper limit: 100.
Multigrid Level: 0 1 2 3
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number: 10
MG PreSmooth coefficients: 1 2 3 3
MG PostSmooth coefficients: 0 0 0 0
MG CorrecSmooth coefficients: 0 0 0 0

------------------------- Convergence Criteria --------------------------
Maximum number of iterations: 401.
Reduce the density residual 5 orders of magnitude.
The minimum bound for the density residual is 10^(-8).
Start convergence criteria at iteration 0.

-------------------------- Output Information ---------------------------
Writing a flow solution every 1000 iterations.
Writing the convergence history every 1 iterations.
Writing the dual time flow solution every 1000 iterations.
Writing the dual time convergence history every 1 iterations.
The output file format is Paraview ASCII (.vtk).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown.dat.
Surface flow coefficients file name: surface_flow.
Flow variables file name: flow.
Restart flow file name: restart_flow.dat.

------------------- Config File Boundary Information --------------------
Euler wall boundary marker(s): wing.
Far-field boundary marker(s): farfield.

---------------------- Read Grid File Information -----------------------
Three dimensional problem.
352 points.
2 surface markers.
42 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = wing).
590 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = farfield).
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Attached Files
File Type: zip (16.1 KB, 14 views)
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Old   February 16, 2016, 09:40
Super Moderator
Tim Albring
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talbring is on a distinguished road
Hi Oshin,

your mesh file looks very strange. First of all there is no element definition. This is the reason why it fails. Then the number of farfield elements is much larger than the number of elements making up the wing. If you just want to test SU2, you can consider the shipped test cases first (

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Old   February 16, 2016, 10:14
New Member
Oshin Ponnuchamy
Join Date: Feb 2016
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Thank you Tim.
I will consider trying the test cases.
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Old   February 16, 2016, 12:03
New Member
Oshin Ponnuchamy
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 6
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Hi Tim

I tried using the mesh file of Onera M6 wing that was available in the link that you suggested.
I tried the gust simulation over it, but I got the following error.

WARNING - Wind Gust capability is only verified for 2 dimensional simulations.
ERROR: You should only be in the gust source term in two dimensions

What do I do to perform three dimensional gust simulation?

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core dumped, segmentation fault

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