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Confused by the Reynolds_length and Reynolds_number

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Old   November 29, 2015, 03:52
Default Confused by the Reynolds_length and Reynolds_number
New Member
Boping M.
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Currently I am using the SU2 to do some tests. And some configure confused me, so I need your help.

First, for the Reynold number setting, the newest version SU2 gives this:

% Reynolds number (non-dimensional, based on the free-stream values)
% Reynolds length (1 m by default)

and since the equation to get Reynold number is Re=rho*v*L/viscousity, the value of the Reference length “L” in this equation is set by users? For example, I am doing a 3 dimensional computation, the model is the Lockheed Seeb-ALR. I generated two grid of the model, with the model length being 17.68in and 1768mm, and for the first situation, I set the Reynolds_length as 1.0 and set the Reynolds_number to 3.63E5 (which is from 6.42/17.68) and for the second condition I set Reynolds_length to 100, and set the same Reynolds_number. Is it ok?

Actually, in the second situation, I used the reynolds_length as a scale. How will this influence the result?

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Last edited by BopngMa; November 29, 2015 at 03:53. Reason: correction spelling
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Old   February 23, 2016, 12:59
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Heather Kline
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Originally Posted by BopngMa View Post

Currently I am using the SU2 to do some tests. And some configure confused me, so I need your help.

First, for the Reynold number setting, the newest version SU2 gives this:

% Reynolds number (non-dimensional, based on the free-stream values)
% Reynolds length (1 m by default)

and since the equation to get Reynold number is Re=rho*v*L/viscousity, the value of the Reference length “L” in this equation is set by users? For example, I am doing a 3 dimensional computation, the model is the Lockheed Seeb-ALR. I generated two grid of the model, with the model length being 17.68in and 1768mm, and for the first situation, I set the Reynolds_length as 1.0 and set the Reynolds_number to 3.63E5 (which is from 6.42/17.68) and for the second condition I set Reynolds_length to 100, and set the same Reynolds_number. Is it ok?

Actually, in the second situation, I used the reynolds_length as a scale. How will this influence the result?

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