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mesh deformation code

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Old   April 29, 2015, 02:13
Thumbs up mesh deformation code
varghese mathew
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: India
Posts: 32
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i am trying to run a flutter case coupling with su2 and a csd solver .i believe this are the step i should follow
1) run the unsteady su2 cse for time step 1 and get the su2 result file
2) take the file to csd solver as input for pressure load and solve
3) read the file as external file in mesh deformation type in cfg and solve deformation code to obtain new mesh for cfd
4) replace the mesh file and restart the simulation for further time steps

i believe this is the method if any available please let me know
i also run the code i gt a mesh_motion .dat file which i believe is the file containing the details of displacement right but it contains the details in terms of the node no. and the x y z coordinates which i believe x,y,z are the displacement obtained from the csd analysis

but what if the mesh files node no of the csd file and the su2 file does not match is there any option

Last edited by varghese9; April 29, 2015 at 05:36.
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Old   April 29, 2015, 14:12
Senior Member
Heather Kline
Join Date: Jun 2013
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hlk is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by varghese9 View Post
i am trying to run a flutter case coupling with su2 and a csd solver .i believe this are the step i should follow
1) run the unsteady su2 cse for time step 1 and get the su2 result file
2) take the file to csd solver as input for pressure load and solve
3) read the file as external file in mesh deformation type in cfg and solve deformation code to obtain new mesh for cfd
4) replace the mesh file and restart the simulation for further time steps

i believe this is the method if any available please let me know
i also run the code i gt a mesh_motion .dat file which i believe is the file containing the details of displacement right but it contains the details in terms of the node no. and the x y z coordinates which i believe x,y,z are the displacement obtained from the csd analysis

but what if the mesh files node no of the csd file and the su2 file does not match is there any option
For settings, see the DYNAMIC MESH DEFINITION and UNSTEADY SIMULATION sections of config_template.cfg

In terms of interpolation you may find the following citation useful.

Brown, S. A. "Displacement extrapolation for CFD+ CSM aeroelastic analysis." AIAA paper 1090 (1997): 1997.
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