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Hybrid RANS/LES models

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Old   October 26, 2014, 13:38
Eduardo Molina
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Brazil
Posts: 35
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Dear Jianming Liu and SU2 developers.

Firstly, I would like to thank Jianming Liu for sharing his initial Detached eddy simulation (DES) Implementation.

I would like to share with the community the results of the Delayed Detached Eddy Implementation in the SU2 code. The test case is a High Reynolds Number Flow around a NACA0021 Airfoil in Deep Stall. Please see following links containing the experimental data and results from others solvers.

The mesh was generated in order to be similar to the course grid of the NTS partner. Grid size ~ 0.5e6 Nodes, Lz=1c, \deltaZ=0.03c and Y+<1.0 with periodic boundary conditions in the spanwise (z) direction.

This was the first simulation using the DDES approach, so I did not played with the Spatial Discretization options, I used Roe Scheme with 2nd Order Limiter (LIMITER_COEFF= 10.0). As expected, the Upwind scheme damped the high frequency waves so additional modifications should be made to adequate the numerical dissipation levels for a Large Eddy Simulation.

I would like to perform the folowing modifications:
- In order to validate the solver in the LES mode, the simulation of decaying homogenous isotropic turbulence should be done and computed with the experimental resuls of Comte-Bellot, assessing the impact of numerical dissipation on solution accuracy. How can I perform a rapid modification in the code to simulate a periodic cube in 3 directions?
- Anyone implemented the matrix-based artificial dissipation instead of the scalar one in the JST scheme? If no, can someone guide me in the code to perform such modification.
- It is possible to perform a hybrid discretization in SU2(Central Scheme in LES regions and Upwind in RANS regions) as Travin proposed in his article.

If possible I would like to rear this discussion in SU2 Youtube channel.

Best regards,





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