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SU2 Parallel Computation problem

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Old   June 18, 2013, 16:52
Default SU2 Parallel Computation problem
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Joe Gramanzini
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I am trying to get the parallel computation working for Windows 7, I and using a Structured grid to model an RAE 2822 airfoil, that works with the SU2 serial. When I try to use the parallel processing it gives me a Keyerror, I am not familiar with python, my command prompt show the following:

C:\ Program Files (x86)\Standford ADL\SU2\trunk\bin\windows\64-bit\Parallel> python -f turb_RAE.cfg -p 3

file "" line 27, in <module>
SU2_RUN = os.environ['SU2_RUN']
file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Standford ADL\SU2\trunk\bin\windows\64-bit\Parallel\",line 423, in_getitem_ return[key.upper()]
KeyError: 'SU2_RUN'

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old   June 28, 2013, 20:21
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Michael Colonno
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Please note that the Python scripts are not yet fully supported in Windows. You need to define the SU2_RUN environment variable in Windows for the script to work.
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Old   September 27, 2018, 15:52
Default SU2 windows 10 parallel computing
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I am afraid that I won't be helping the TS anymore, since this thread is quite old. However I hope I can help some other SU2 users with the same problem. I downloaded 6.0.0 "Falcon" for windows from the download page of the SU2 website. I assume here that the reader managed to use sequential computing in windows CMD.

- Set python.exe as your standard program for ‘.py’ files (just press right mouse button on a ‘.py’ file and select open with -> choose another app -> make sure ‘always use this app for .py files’ is checked -> click python.exe -> click ok). If the program is not installed on you computer: download it from and get+install the latest python 3 release. Let python add itself to your windows environment path (if it asks you to disable the maximum length for paths, please click yes).

- In my version there was an error in SU2/run/ At line 237, you should change {the_Command = 'SU2_SOL ' + tempname} to {the_Command = 'SU2_SOL%s %s' % (quote, tempname)} (both without the curly brackets).

- Open cmd and make the location where your simulation file is the current directory (cd).

- Then try to run your cfg-file in cmd by entering: ‘ -f YOURSIMULATION.cfg -n 4’ if you have a 4-core computer (change the 4 if yours is different).

- The first time it probably gives one or more errors on missing modules. Numpy was missing in my case, so I entered ‘pip3 install numpy’ in cmd (doesn’t matter at which directory you are). If other modules are missing, some google searches will help you installing them.

- Make sure you are in your cfg-file's directory again and enter ‘ -f YOURSIMULATION.cfg -n 4’ again.

You can even make it yourself more comfortable by saving a file called SU2_PAR.bat in the same directory as for example SU2_CFD, with the following code in it: -f %~f1 -n 4
(again the four can be changed for a different number of cores). In this way you can just call any cfg file like you did with SU2_CFD, but now for the parallel version with SU2_PAR YOURSIMULATION.cfg, in the cmd-window.

Last edited by JMvanDijk; September 28, 2018 at 13:51.
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Old   September 27, 2018, 22:19
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Originally Posted by JMvanDijk View Post
I am afraid that I won't be helping the TS anymore, since this thread is quite old. However I hope I can help some other SU2 users with the same problem. I downloaded 6.0.0 "Falcon" for windows from the download page of the SU2 website. I assume here that the reader managed to use sequential computing in windows CMD.

- Set python.exe as your standard program for ‘.py’ files (just press right mouse button on a ‘.py’ file and select open with -> choose another app -> make sure ‘always use this app for .py files’ is checked -> click python.exe -> click ok). If the program is not installed on you computer: download it from and get+install the latest python 3 release. Let python add itself to your windows environment path (if it asks you to disable the maximum length for paths, please click yes).

- In my version there was an error in SU2/run/ At line 237, you should change {the_Command = 'SU2_SOL ' + tempname} to {the_Command = 'SU2_SOL%s %s' % (quote, tempname)} (both without the curly brackets).

- Open cmd and make the location where your simulation file is the current directory (cd).

- Then try to run your cfg-file in cmd by entering: ‘ -f YOURSIMULATION.cfg -n 4’ if you have a 4-core computer (change the 4 if yours is different).

- The first time it probably gives one or more errors on missing modules. Numpy was missing in my case, so I entered ‘pip3 install numpy’ in cmd (doesn’t matter at which directory you are). If other modules are missing, some google searches will help you installing them.

- Make sure you are in your cfg-file's directory again and enter ‘ -f YOURSIMULATION.cfg -n 4’ again.

Thanks for sharing this! How did you exactly compile the parallel version in Windows? When I try the steps you have provided I get n number of separate serial jobs.
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Old   September 28, 2018, 08:19
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Originally Posted by lejonetfrannorden View Post

Thanks for sharing this! How did you exactly compile the parallel version in Windows? When I try the steps you have provided I get n number of separate serial jobs.
I do not recognize your situation, but let me explain how I run my simulations now (after the initalization of my previous post).

The only thing I now have to do to start a parallel computation is entering ' -f YOURSIMULATION.cfg -n 4' without the quotes in cmd. So when I want to run the quick start of SU2 ( in parallel, I do (so you should change the file directories to yours):
  • Start cmd.exe
  • Enter the directory of my .cfg file: cd C:\Program1\SU2\Quickstart\ in the cmd terminal.
  • then I enter -f Inv_NACA0012.cfg -n 4 in the cmd terminal.
  • Now it runs the whole simulation for me on 4 cores (the simulation time is reduced with almost a factor of 4 as expected), showing every iteration.
I cannot drop the file on top of the python file to run it, neither did I manage to do it in any other way, but this works for me. Please make sure that your windows path is (still) directing to the folder where SU2_CFD, SU2_SOL and are located.

Last edited by JMvanDijk; September 28, 2018 at 10:03.
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Old   September 29, 2018, 13:32
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Heather Kline
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Thanks for your interest in SU2.

What you describe is a common symptom of the parallel installation not succeeding in finding all the needed mpi libraries etc. Some of the things you can do to troubleshoot this are:
- remove or rename previous installations to ensure that you aren't accidentally calling them
- read through the config.log and look for any points where it was not able to find the mpi compilers (for example, mpicxx and mpicc) or any other errors

For reference (both for you and others who find this post), the parallel build directions are now here:

Originally Posted by lejonetfrannorden View Post

Thanks for sharing this! How did you exactly compile the parallel version in Windows? When I try the steps you have provided I get n number of separate serial jobs.
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key error, su2 parallel

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