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From Subsonic to High-hypersonic Airfoil and 3D airplane sim

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Old   April 24, 2013, 13:26
Default From Subsonic to High-hypersonic Airfoil and 3D airplane sim
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Gregor Schilling
Join Date: Apr 2013
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I would like to simulate an air-plane-jet capable of flight in subsonic to speeds faster then high-hypersonic speeds.

The idea is to analyze the feasibility of gliding or flight from ground to layers above the ozone layer (No boosters) and to find an airfoil or airplane shape (probably a one wing big jet) to do so.

Another hope is to show its feasible to gain enough speed in the upper layers of the atmosphere (above the ozone layer) to create a dense layer of Ions around the air-plane, which would create enough lift to keep the jet in the air and could be used to further propel the air plane with electromagnetic or electrostatic force based engines or parts in the airfoil.

If the findings would suggest such a flight would be possible, I would then like to find the maximum flight speed an air-plane could travel by propelling itself with electromagnetic and electrostatic forces in the upper atmosphere (so one force pushes the jet forward and some of the drag force would point downward to keep the air plane from flying away from earth) and then use that max. speed to shoot itself into space.

I have a differential equation solver on my pc and an engineering background within numerics and simulation, a simulation software to simulate the atmosphere ... (Well I am not sure if its capable of simulating layers above the ozone layer).

The problem I have is, I have no understanding of CFD above subsonic flight. My hope is to solve the question with SU2 quickly by simplifying the problem into 3 parts:
1-Subsonic flight
2-Supersonic flight
3-High Hypersonic flight

Where the third part would be the first one to simulate and check its feasibility for very thin air.

I would like to use SU2 to simulate the third part (high hypersonic flight), by implementing it into my existing simulation env. in C++, I would of course share the results. I hope you guys can help me giving me the basics to read a SU2 mesh, define boundary conditions and solve the governing equation to find the pressure distribution and density of the airflow around the airfoil and airplane within C++.

I would like to implement SU2 directly as I have red it might come in handy to change the mach number to find solutions for very high speeds etc.. so I am not sure if using the standard SU2_CFD with a configuration and mesh file would lead to reasonable solutions .... thx.

Hopefully someone might read this thx so much,

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Old   May 2, 2013, 13:41
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Amrita Lonkar
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Hi Gregor,

SU2 is certainly capable of simulating flight in subsonic, supersonic and, hypersonic regimes in thin air as long as the assumption of continuum holds.

SU2 uses a native .su2 mesh files, and it can also read cgns, single block unstructured meshes. Pointwise has a plugin which directly outputs meshes into the su2 format.

Boundary conditions are defined in a configuration file. There are many sample configuration files in the TestCases folder of the SU2 suite for different applications. A detailed description of the configuration files, and mesh files is given at this webpage:

When you run SU2, it will output a distribution of pressure and density in the domain in a solution file which can be visualised in Tecplot.

I hope this help,

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hight hypersonic flight

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