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Rotating reference frame

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Old   February 25, 2013, 21:48
Default Rotating reference frame
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Join Date: May 2012
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amphy404 is on a distinguished road

I have a question about the rotating reference frame source code for the space centered schemes in numerics_convective.cpp.

For instance, in numerics_convective.cpp: L3198-3208.

    /*--- Adjustment for a rotating frame ---*/
    if (rotating_frame) {
        ProjVelocity = Rot_Flux;
        for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
            val_resconv[iVar] -= ProjVelocity * 0.5*(U_i[iVar]+U_j[iVar]);
            if (implicit) {
                val_Jacobian_i[iVar][iVar] -= 0.5*ProjVelocity;
                val_Jacobian_j[iVar][iVar] -= 0.5*ProjVelocity;
From this code, it looks like the rotation is accounted for by subtracting the rotational velocity (Rot_Flux) from the projected flux (val_resconv). This makes sense for the continuity and momentum equations. Perhaps it is just my misunderstanding, but for the energy equation shouldn't it be subtracting the enthalpy, rather than the internal energy?

That is,
val_resconv[nVar-1] -= ProjVelocity * MeanDensity * MeanEnthalpy;
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Old   February 26, 2013, 07:10
Super Moderator
Thomas D. Economon
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Stanford, CA
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Thanks for the question. In SU2, we are using a version of the equations expressed in a non-interial frame while still solving for the absolute velocities as part of the conserved variables (an 'absolute velocity' formulation). The transformation of the equations to this form results in not only an adjustment of the convective fluxes to take into account the rotational velocity of the mesh faces, but also changes in the momentum and energy equations. More specifically, the momentum equations gain a source term, and the energy flux is slightly modified to become density*enthalpy*(velocity - rotational_velocity) + rotational_velocity*pressure, which could also be written as density*enthalpy*velocity - rotational_velocity*density*energy after substituting the definition of enthalpy. The latter expression is implemented in SU2.

If you are interested in more details on the formulation, there is a nice description in "A Three-Dimensional Euler Solver for Turbomachinery Blade Rows" by D. G. Holmes & S. S. Tong, or please see the following paper using the formulation within SU2:

Hope this helps!
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moving mesh, rotating frame

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