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SU2 Optimization multiple FFD boxes error

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Old   November 20, 2019, 16:51
Default SU2 Optimization multiple FFD boxes error
New Member
Stanislav Karpuk
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 9
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Hello everyone,
I have a little problem with definition of FFD boxes. I am doing an aerodynamic optimization of the BWB using multiple FFD boxes. I have successfully built them, but, when I am running the solution, the code gives me an error and says that my DV dimensions do not agree. I checked them again but they were fine. Could you tell me where my little mistake is? I have attached the run file.

Thank you,

the error message:

--------- Start gradient evaluation using sensitivity information ----------

Evaluate functional gradient using Algorithmic Differentiation (ZONE 0).
4 Free Form Deformation boxes.
1 Free Form Deformation nested levels.
FFD box tag: WINGINNER1. FFD box level: 0. Degrees: 10, 2, 1.
FFD Blending using Bezier Curves.
Number of parent boxes: 0. Number of child boxes: 0.
Corner points: 8. Control points: 66. Surface points: 2414.
FFD box tag: WINGINNER2. FFD box level: 0. Degrees: 10, 4, 1.
FFD Blending using Bezier Curves.
Number of parent boxes: 0. Number of child boxes: 0.
Corner points: 8. Control points: 110. Surface points: 9092.
FFD box tag: WINGINNER3. FFD box level: 0. Degrees: 10, 3, 1.
FFD Blending using Bezier Curves.
Number of parent boxes: 0. Number of child boxes: 0.
Corner points: 8. Control points: 88. Surface points: 5430.
FFD box tag: WING. FFD box level: 0. Degrees: 10, 14, 1.
FFD Blending using Bezier Curves.
Number of parent boxes: 0. Number of child boxes: 0.
Corner points: 8. Control points: 330. Surface points: 33824.

----------------- FFD technique (parametric -> cartesian) ---------------
Checking FFD box dimension.

Error in "void CSurfaceMovement::CheckFFDDimension(CGeometry*, CConfig*, CFreeFormDefBox*, short unsigned int)":
Design variables out off FFD limits (10, 2, 1).
Please check the ijk indices of the design variables.
------------------------------ Error Exit -------------------------------

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