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folded mesh in shape optimization of ONERA M6 shock bumps

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Old   August 2, 2016, 06:57
Default folded mesh in shape optimization of ONERA M6 shock bumps
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Ignatius Yudki Utama
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Bandung
Posts: 2
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I'm currently trying to optimize ONERA M6 wing. I use 4.2.0 "Cardinal" version of SU2. My goal is to obtain optimum shock control bump (SCB) shape over a transonic wing (picture 0).

Picture 0

Because i'm lacking of wing-with-bumps data for validation, I define a FFD box at the upper part of normal wing which I predict will give me the bumps. I choose FFD_THICKNESS for design variable (details can be read in attached configuration file) and my FFD definition is:
FFD_DEFINITION= (WING_BOX, 0.131, 0, 0, 0.635, 0, 0, 1.046, 1.196, 0, 0.764, 1.196, 0, 0.131, 0, 0.05, 0.635, 0, 0.05, 1.046, 1.196, 0.05, 0.764, 1.196, 0.05)

I hope there will be a bump over the wing. However, when i use "", after the first function evaluation, parts of mesh in and around the FFD box are folded.

Here are my configuration file and optimization history:

My questions are:
1. Are there any incorrect set-up in my configuration file that makes the mesh folded?
2. Have I choose the correct design variable?
3. Are there some way to generate and optimize the wing shock bump in SU2?

Thank you in advance,

Yudki Utama
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onera m6, optimization, shock control bumps, su2, transonic

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