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FFD module for geometry deformation

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Old   August 2, 2013, 14:43
Default FFD module for geometry deformation
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Robin Dufour
Join Date: Aug 2013
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I have questions concerning the FFD module.
I have been trying to modify my geometry (plane-like) using FFD boxes in order to enrich my aerodatabase.
For instance: elevons sweep, rudder sweep, etc...
It works very well when I move one box at a time. However, whenever I want to have two deformations at the same time, things go wrong. It seems that the movement of one box influences the movement of the other box. This appends even the boxes are not "parented" as defined in the .su2 file. Please note that the boxes are on the same "CHUNK_LEVEL".

Could you please give me a little documentation on how FFD boxes have to be configured in the .su2 file?
In particular : - how does the parent/children relationship works
- what is defined by the "CHUNK_LEVEL" parameter


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Old   August 19, 2013, 13:26
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Francisco Palacios
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Could you please attach the definition of the FFD boxes that you are using?


Originally Posted by RobinDufour View Post

I have questions concerning the FFD module.
I have been trying to modify my geometry (plane-like) using FFD boxes in order to enrich my aerodatabase.
For instance: elevons sweep, rudder sweep, etc...
It works very well when I move one box at a time. However, whenever I want to have two deformations at the same time, things go wrong. It seems that the movement of one box influences the movement of the other box. This appends even the boxes are not "parented" as defined in the .su2 file. Please note that the boxes are on the same "CHUNK_LEVEL".

Could you please give me a little documentation on how FFD boxes have to be configured in the .su2 file?
In particular : - how does the parent/children relationship works
- what is defined by the "CHUNK_LEVEL" parameter


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