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Pointwise-SU2 joint webinar (April 29th) and SU2 v3.1.0 new release

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Old   April 14, 2014, 21:51
Thumbs up Pointwise-SU2 joint webinar (April 29th) and SU2 v3.1.0 new release
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Francisco Palacios
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Dear Colleagues,

The SU2 team ( is pleased to announce a joint initiative with Pointwise, Inc. ( to present an exciting webinar titled “Supersonic Aircraft Shape Design Powered by SU2 and Pointwise.” In conjunction with the webinar, we are also releasing an update to the SU2 software suite with many improvements that are geared toward aerodynamic shape design.

The webinar will be held on April 29th, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. CDT (GMT - 5 hours) and hosted by Pointwise through GoToWebinar. To register for this free webinar, follow the registration links through the Pointwise webinar page: During the webinar, we will show how SU2 and Pointwise can be combined to tackle supersonic aircraft design. This includes the construction of watertight surface meshes, volume meshes, and FFD boxes for complex geometries in Pointwise and a detailed discussion of how users can set up shape optimization problems in SU2. Finally, we will present optimal shape design results for the Lockheed Martin 1021 aircraft.

Alongside the webinar, we are introducing SU2 version 3.1.0, which contains a number of improvements including:

- Important changes to the configuration file options to improve clarity and robustness.
- New features and configuration options for the mesh deformation process (SU2_MDC) and for computing geometric constraints (SU2_GDC).
- FFD boxes are now available for use in 2D optimization problems.
- Stability improvements to the SST turbulence model.
- Direct integration of the METIS and TecIO source code for automatic compilation and linking through the autotool build process.
- General bug fixes and maintenance.

SU2 Version 3.1.0 is freely available today for download from the SU2 download page.

As always, we would like to thank the open-source community for their interest, help, and support.

The SU2 team <>
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Old   April 30, 2014, 03:40
New Member
Y Yang
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 25
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andromeda91 is on a distinguished road
Dear Francisco,

Will this webinar video be uploaded in the SU2 main webpage?


Yosheph Yang
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