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Problem compiling (during make phase) SU2 6.2.0 from source

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Old   December 20, 2021, 16:57
Unhappy Problem compiling (during make phase) SU2 6.2.0 from source
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RichardRoos is on a distinguished road

First of all, this is my first post here, so if my question should be posted somewhere else etc, please let me know.

Now for the question, I am working on the implementation of the old LM model, that was made for version 6.2.0, into the latest SU2 version. My first step is to get the old LM-feature running so that I can check its functionalities and that I can compare results at a later stage. But I am running into some problems compiling from source.

I get a few warnings regarding cgns_internals for function ‘cgi_write_model’. If I continue with the process described online for versions 6.2.0 and lower, I am not able to run the given testcase in QuickStart. It does not recognize the given .cfg file. (Although it is completely the same as the given config_template.cfg.)

I have attached a txt file with the steps and results I got in my ubuntu terminal. I am running:
  • Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux (86_64)

I have found an old forum post of someone with the same problem (SU2 insatllation), but that person never got an answer.

Maybe someone on here has more experience with Linux/SU2 etc and might know what is going on?

Thanks in advance!
Attached Files
File Type: txt ConfigProblemSU2.txt (39.2 KB, 10 views)
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Old   December 22, 2021, 17:15
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Wally Maier
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Hi RichardRoos,

I took a quick look at your errors and it definitely seems that you have a mismatch of config and code. The config options changed from v6.2 to v7+. Are you trying to run a newer version of SU2?

Im no expert with the CGNS stuff, but I image the warning during compilation should be fine.

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Old   December 22, 2021, 19:52
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Hey Wally,

It does look like a missmatch. I tried to force the config file by using the options in the error message. But that only gave more problems as the options stated in the config should be correct. (e.g. The physics_model is not recognized, but also gives an error when removed).

The config is taken from the 6.2.0 branch. I am trying to get the 6.2.0 to work as I have to check the results from the LM_model while using that branch, before I can transfer it to the latest version.

I have also tried to use older versions of gcc and g++ (4.8 and 7.5), as the code might need older libraries, but the error stayed the same.

Thus so far no real solutions found...
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Old   December 23, 2021, 13:02
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We found the problem. I had the latest version (7.2.1) also on my system. The SU2_CFD executable somehow did not want to point at the version that was set in the .bashrc. So that is why the config file did not want to be run, as it was looking at the 6.2.0 .cfg with the 7.2.1 solver.

Forcing the correct path by renaming the executable for 6.2.0 (thus now running using SU2_CFDLM inv_etc.cfg) did the trick. It is not pretty, but it works.
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Old   December 24, 2021, 17:35
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Yes, executables are usually expected to be in one of the directories in the PATH variable, you should check

> echo $PATH

first to see if there is a directory to both SU2 versions included, that will lead to confusion.

Keep us informed about the progress, or better yet: create a new feature branch reimplementation_LM from the current develop and make it public on github, it will make it easier to help you with issues. A good start is to study the new generalization of transported scalars and add a new solver for the LM equations (from SST), get a simple 'additional solver with 2 additional eqns' running (no source terms, keep it very simple). Then continue from there.
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cfg error, compile from source, su2 6.2.0, warnings, wsl2

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