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Any Parallel install procedure on Mac OS

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Old   March 9, 2014, 13:23
Default Any Parallel install procedure on Mac OS
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Join Date: Feb 2014
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Dear All,
I have use serial version SU2 for months, recent days I am trying to install the Parallel version of SU2, however, I am really new to parallel computation, and know little about parallel, the parallel install procedure in your website is really not enough for me, so I just take several days to install nothing...please help me.

Below is the instruction given in website, I don't know where to install OpenMPI, and what is build script.....

Can any nice guy give me any detailed Parallel installment Procedure on Mac OS,
Thank you in advance!!! Really need for help......

Parallel Tools
Users wishing to run simulations on parallel architectures using domain decomposition are required to install from source and must have additional tools. The parallelization utilizes the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard, and the domain decomposition is performed using the METIS software package. When using the build script for a parallel computation, it is assumed that the top level directory for METIS (metis-4.0.3/) is in the $SU2_HOME directory.
METIS 4.0.3
MPI Implementation - OpenMPI or MPICH2
If you would like to install METIS and compile SU2 using the build script, follow these directions:
Download METIS 4.0.3 from the link above
Untar the download and place the metis-4.03/ directory in the SU2v1.0/ directory (metis does not need to reside in the SU2_DDC/ directory)
Run the build script, which will find, compile, and link the this version of the metis library automatically
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Old   March 10, 2014, 09:39
Tommy Chen
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: University of Michigan
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Originally Posted by JinZhiyi View Post
Dear All,
I have use serial version SU2 for months, recent days I am trying to install the Parallel version of SU2, however, I am really new to parallel computation, and know little about parallel, the parallel install procedure in your website is really not enough for me, so I just take several days to install nothing...please help me.

Below is the instruction given in website, I don't know where to install OpenMPI, and what is build script.....

Can any nice guy give me any detailed Parallel installment Procedure on Mac OS,
Thank you in advance!!! Really need for help......

Parallel Tools
Users wishing to run simulations on parallel architectures using domain decomposition are required to install from source and must have additional tools. The parallelization utilizes the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard, and the domain decomposition is performed using the METIS software package. When using the build script for a parallel computation, it is assumed that the top level directory for METIS (metis-4.0.3/) is in the $SU2_HOME directory.
METIS 4.0.3
MPI Implementation - OpenMPI or MPICH2
If you would like to install METIS and compile SU2 using the build script, follow these directions:
Download METIS 4.0.3 from the link above
Untar the download and place the metis-4.03/ directory in the SU2v1.0/ directory (metis does not need to reside in the SU2_DDC/ directory)
Run the build script, which will find, compile, and link the this version of the metis library automatically
There should be instruction on the website of OpenMPI
Including How to build from source
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Old   March 11, 2014, 02:12
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Thomas D. Economon
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You might want to check out the more detailed instructions for building from source using the configure/make/make install process in the documentation here:

The page also contains some information on the various dependencies that you may wish to include for running in parallel.

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