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Modelling and static analysis with Abaqus

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Old   February 14, 2021, 17:34
Default Modelling and static analysis with Abaqus
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Hello, I am currently trying to model a fuselage’s frame and stringer for my university’s project on abaqus. I want to make a fuselage ring which will consist of 2 frames and 40 stringers. I was really hoping if I could get any tips regarding designing the model. I need to make a 3D model with shell elements. Another thing I am unsure about is the boundary conditions which I need to apply for the frame and stringers. Any tips and advice will be helpful.

Ps- The analysis will be a static analysis based of homogeneous materials and composites. I also want to know which loads should be good for the analysis. Thank you.
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Old   March 8, 2021, 06:41
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your description is way too wide. Also, it seems you're kinda lost on finite elements/ FESA.

First, sketch your problem analytically.

Then, generate your 3D cad model, then import into abaqus, if it is not native.

Next, decide on your spacial discretization.. which type of element will you use for each structure section..beams? shells? tetrahedron? How will this decision be affected if you have an orthotropic material???

Finally, work on your load case and boundary conditions... they should mimic reality as good as possible...can you clamp an edge? should you model a symmetry condition?... you'll have to compromise something at some point..

No one can really help you if they don't actually do the job for you. My advice is for you to study as many tutorials as you can that work with the topics you need, assuming you know the physics already

Best Regards

"Elune will grant us the strength"
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