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Dynamic Analysis of a Tethering cable for Aerostat

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Old   April 2, 2015, 18:40
Default Dynamic Analysis of a Tethering cable for Aerostat
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sgautam is on a distinguished road

I am a beginner in ANSYS. I need to do dynamic analysis for tethering cable for aerostat/baloon. I understand the theoretical aspect of the problem but I am stuck in implementing it in ANSYS. I am not able to find any tutorial or video for it. One possible way is to link the BEAM elements using pins which will remove the capability to remove compression lodes. Another possible way it seems to use LINK 180 element, it has a option to take tension lodes only. But I still don't know how to implement the drag and lift caused by flowing air on the rope. I tried to surf on the internet regarding this, I found there is an option to apply SEA LOADING which might be there for the mooring cable analysis. But I am not able o find any tutorial or something using which I can test it. I don't even know if its going to work or not. Most of the time I find people doing dynamic analysis of a truss or a beam or something similar to it. Please help me, This problem seems simple but my experience with this software is coming in to way. I don't even know if I am right track or not .Please reply if anybody find any way to do this problem.
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Old   May 28, 2015, 04:02
Default dynamic analysis of tethered aerstat
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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sgautam is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

After one month of brain storming I am able to get the static shape for the aerostat tethering cable . I have used beam188 elements to model the tethering cable and aerostat is modelled as a point mass attached to one end in ANSYS APDL. I have also tried to do the prestressed model analysis of the cabel using liner perturbation in v.15 of ANSYS but I am not sure that results are correct. Now I need to do the transient analysis of this system and model the ossilatery behaviour for the aerostat but I do not know how to apply the lodes in diffren loadsteps to get the ossilatery behaviour in a sudden gust of air. Earlier I was really new to APDL but now I know it much better , Is there anyone who can help me or can solve it for some money (in India) because I relly need to submit it as soon as possibel . You can mail me at or post your answer here. Thanks everyone
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aerostat, analysis, cable, dynamic, rope

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