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Rotor static simulation

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Old   June 3, 2014, 23:40
Default Rotor static simulation
New Member
Jun Milan
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Montreal
Posts: 13
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Hi there,

In my university, I have access to a real small compressor made in 3D printing (SLA). Most of the students that participated in conceiving this compressor are not at the school during summer and all I have numerically is the Catia Files of the compressor, and more specifically that of the shroud,hub,stator and rotor (without deformation).

I must simulate this compressor in ANSYS CFX at a rotational speed of 4000 rpm with the application of ''a new technology'' developed by my professor; so I need to find using Static structural the final rotor blades after deformation du to the rotational speed before doing the aerothermodynamic simulations with CFX. More precisely, I need to have a curve file containing the airfoils of the rotor blades after deformation.

So here what I have in my hands:
- the Catia file of the original rotor blade before deformation. With this, I can find the coordinates of the points of each airfoil that was used to generate the rotor blade (before deformation).
- After doing the simulations with static structural, i have the points in space corresponding to the nodes of the mesh applied at the rotor blade (before deformation) and their corresponding deformation in space (dx,dy,dz) after deformation du to the rotational speed of the compressor.

Using this, can anyone give me ideas on how to find the airfoils in the deformed rotor blade, so I can create the curve file which will be used in Turbogrid and CFX ?

Thank you very much for your help,

I appreciated a lot,


(Note: I'm new to static structural and CFX; so I do not know advance topics ...)
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