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Calculating a generic scalar for each cell, and plotting it in prostar.

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Old   May 20, 2017, 21:18
Smile Calculating a generic scalar for each cell, and plotting it in prostar.
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Hello everyone,

I am new to star, so any help is appreciated.

I want to calculate any scalar on a cell basis, and be able to plot that in prostar, the same way I plot velocity, temperature, etc..

I am able to use the ufiles, for example postdat.f, to calculate any scalar. But I am not able to see it in prostar to plot for postprocessing. For example, I want to define a new scalar, called ratio(i)=TE(I)/ED(I) (turbulent kinetic energy divided by energy dissipation). Then when I go back to prostar and load the postprocessing file, I want it to show me this new scalar available for plotting.

So practically, I want to link this new scalar I am calculating to prostar, so that I am able to plot it on a cell basis, the same way I plot T, or U, etc...

I guess that can be done by commands and the registry, but is there a way to do it through the ufiles?

Thanks a lot,
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