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reg Porous two phase flow simulation

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Old   December 21, 2009, 03:07
Default reg Porous two phase flow simulation
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chittoorreddy is on a distinguished road
Dear friends:

I am trying to simulate the dust in Air filter with Lagrange multiphase model with porous media approach for filter media.

In this my main aim is to see the dust distribution over the filter media based on dust particle size and the rise in pressure drop due to accumulation of dust.

My doubts are

1) is it possible to simulate the pressure drop due to accumulation of dust using Lagrange multi phase model?

2) How these particles interact with porous media?

3)Is it possibe to simulate by increassing the porous coefficients the filtering capacity??

if anybody already did this kind of simulations kindly share the same wiht me. it will be a very very helpful for me

With thanks in Advance,
Sreenivasulu Reddy
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Old   December 21, 2009, 06:37
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 85
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bramv101 is on a distinguished road
1) is it possible to simulate the pressure drop due to accumulation of dust using Lagrange multi phase model?
No this is not possible, what you can do is apply test data and alter your viscous and inertial coeff manually, seeing the effect of flow distribution

2) How these particles interact with porous media?
you can simulate these type of things when you do this on microscopic level, with your own usercode. otherwise i would say forget it

3)Is it possibe to simulate by increassing the porous coefficients the filtering capacity??
No idea what you entirely mean with this. But no, altering the porous coefficients will not have any effect, and for sure this will not be very realistic, Only clogging test data should be used to see effect on flow distribution.

In short: start reading up on CFD for filtering applications because these questions tell me you have a long way to go and you probably will start off wrong. This is certainly one of the more challenging CFD problems. try to contact companies such as Donaldson which are world leader in this. Mann+Hummel is more automotive but without the same level of media research.
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air filter, multi phase, porous

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