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[StarCCM+ 18.02.008] Unable to change Output directory for Tables "Save to file"

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Old   December 6, 2024, 07:54
Default [StarCCM+ 18.02.008] Unable to change Output directory for Tables "Save to file"
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Join Date: Nov 2024
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I'm currently automatically exporting data for my simulation via the Tables and the "Save to file" option in "Update" for a XYZ Internal Table. The problem is that I'm unable to chose a custom directory and I've tested quite a few things to be able to change the directory. Searching on internet for this issue hasn't given me any results to work on, no mention of it. I'm fairly new to StarCCM+ overall so I guessed it could be something locking it but I haven't been able to find anything.

My system is:
- Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
- StarCCM+ 18.02.008

Note that I'm able to chose the output directory for other parameters, such as in files > auto-export > export directory, or in scenes > existing scene > attributes > update. The output directory simply has "." in its textbox (meaning it will export in the save file directory).

What I tried to be able to change the output directory:
- try to type manually: unable to select the text box, like if it wasn't a text box that can be typed in
- chose folder from the menu which can be opened via the 3 dots on the option: selecting the folder and saving the choice won't update the output directory
- from the suggestions of a colleague, in the same menu, instead of chosing an existing folder, creating a new one and selecting it: same result as above
- restarting computer
- launching simulation, exporting some files in "." folder, then trying to modify: no change
- creating a new table XYZ: same results
- creating a different table: same results
- chosing a different trigger: same results
- creating a fresh new file: same results
- asking 2 different more experienced colleague: they have no idea what could cause that
- one of my 2 colleague mentioned above is able to chose an output directory for version StarCCM+ 19

What I haven't tried, and might be able to try:
- opening my simulation file on version 19 and try to change it there
- testing on another computer

If anyone has informations on such a problem (possibly an official bug report ? known problem ?) and/or a solution or ideas of what could cause that, I'd be thankful.

I hope this post can also be found by people searching for such a similar problem, if I'm not the only one with this problem.
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Old   December 9, 2024, 11:50
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Join Date: Nov 2024
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A potential solution I found for anyone with this problem is since the file being exported is named after the name of the XYZ table in the menu, you can trick the files to be put into a folder simply by putting the relative path in front of the name.

For example:
- create a new table, it will be automatically named "XYZ Internal Table"
- create a folder to export the data in, in the same folder as your save file (here I named it "data")
- rename the table to "data/XYZ Internal Table" (confirmed working with name "data/free_surface")
- it will export the tables in the "./data" folder

Might act differently in Windows due to the "/" separation (maybe works by using "" ?)
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