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Calculation stuck

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Old   April 6, 2024, 07:30
Default Calculation stuck
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MagicianOfChaos is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone!
My name is Alex and I'm a CFD student, and I need some help to understand why, in the case I will explain, calculations are stuck at iteration 0, so, basically, it doesn't start.
I'm analysing an academic case where there is a combustion chamber of a piston, and inside it there is a mix of air and vaporised fuel; then, through different injectors, a new amount of fuel is injected, in order to reach a stoichometric equivalence ratio.
I already set everything, from physics to boundary conditions (only walls). What I can not understand is why there are these warnings and the calculation doesn't go on, and is stuck on iteration 0.

The warning messages are the follwing:

"Assembling H and Cp Look up Tables for 13 species...done!
pressure corrections limited on 520 cells in CombChamber
pressure corrections limited on 20 cells in CombChamber
pressure corrections limited on 2 cells in CombChamber"

One of my friends gave me a copy of the file of his own simulation, and I tried to clean the results and restart the simulation: these warnings appear, but then, after a few seconds, it starts calculating and after some iterations they disappear, and the solver goes on.
I already checked if all the settings where comparable to my friend's file, and they are.
I would like to say in advance thanks so much to everyone that will help me!
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Old   April 8, 2024, 00:30
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Originally Posted by MagicianOfChaos View Post
Hi everyone!
My name is Alex and I'm a CFD student, and I need some help to understand why, in the case I will explain, calculations are stuck at iteration 0, so, basically, it doesn't start.
I'm analysing an academic case where there is a combustion chamber of a piston, and inside it there is a mix of air and vaporised fuel; then, through different injectors, a new amount of fuel is injected, in order to reach a stoichometric equivalence ratio.
I already set everything, from physics to boundary conditions (only walls). What I can not understand is why there are these warnings and the calculation doesn't go on, and is stuck on iteration 0.

The warning messages are the follwing:

"Assembling H and Cp Look up Tables for 13 species...done!
pressure corrections limited on 520 cells in CombChamber
pressure corrections limited on 20 cells in CombChamber
pressure corrections limited on 2 cells in CombChamber"

One of my friends gave me a copy of the file of his own simulation, and I tried to clean the results and restart the simulation: these warnings appear, but then, after a few seconds, it starts calculating and after some iterations they disappear, and the solver goes on.
I already checked if all the settings where comparable to my friend's file, and they are.
I would like to say in advance thanks so much to everyone that will help me!
Delete your old file and create a new one from scratch. Increase the number of calculation cells.
Build a new file based on your friend's file. Launch it.
It's a small mistake.
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Old   April 8, 2024, 05:01
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I will try... Thank you so much!
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