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license/opening problems in batch

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Old   April 17, 2023, 08:28
Default license/opening problems in batch
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2023
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ElodieR is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone, first post on a forum, I hope I'll do it well !

I am currently trying to open a starCCM+ file in batch, and I tried to reproduce this method I saw on another thread (I actually modified the code because the "starccm+" command wasn't recognized by my code... and also I had to precised the path of my files, it wasn't automatically found by the computer as the member who solved the problem of the thread said...)

So I created this java file named "" :
(my simulation file I try to open is "test1.sim")

// STAR-CCM+ macro:
package macro;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;

import star.common.*;
import star.base.neo.*;
import star.vis.*;
import star.flow.*;

public class run extends StarMacro {

public void execute() {

private void execute0() {

try {
Simulation simulation_0 =


simulation_0.saveState(simulation_0.getSessionPath ());

} catch (Exception e) {
null, e.toString()


and then, I wrote this batch code :

echo off

start C:\OPT\StarCCM2206\17.04.008\STAR-CCM+17.04.008\star\lib\win64\clang11.1vc14.2\lib\s tarccm+ -batch \\netappbsl2\JBSCengineer\ENGINEERING ORGANISATION\STRESS\485_STRESS\900_Personnel_Folde rs\Elodie Romero\batch\ \\netappbsl2\JBSCengineer\ENGINEERING ORGANISATION\STRESS\485_STRESS\900_Personnel_Folde rs\Elodie Romero\batch\simupourbatch\test1.sim

echo Done


The command window responds that there is a license problem file.

I want to precise that when I try to open the test1.sim file directly by clicking on it I have the same message on the shell of starCCM+, that's why I always need to open starCCM+ first and then load the file (with the lite license which is the only one I have at my disposal)
So maybe here is the license problem but I don't know how to reproduce this "opening by hand" manipulation with a batch code or how to solve "the double clicking opening by hand" problem...

I hope you will be able to find a solution, and at least thank's for trying !

PS : English isn't my first language, I apologize for the mistakes...

PPS : Yes, I tried chat gpt, and I still can't fix the problem
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batch, licence, opening

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