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2D Waves load on a sea wall

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Old   April 28, 2021, 18:49
Default 2D Waves load on a sea wall
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Join Date: Apr 2021
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Hello everyone, I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy.

I've been struggling for quite some time with the software StarCCM+, I am in process of creating a simple 2D numerical model where a first-order wave hits a vertical seawall. So it will be a 2D simulation where the water wave would hit the wall however each time I run the simulation my the whole domain would be filled with water.

I am using the Eulerian multiphase in order to create the waves with VOF Fluid. However even though I set the point on the water level to a value, the water always fills up the whole domain and then goes over the vertical seawall.

On top of that is there any ways I can see the Dynamic Pressure as on the software I can only see the Static Pressure only. I hope anyone can help me with this issue.

Everywhere I looked didn't have much help so I hoped I could get some sort of help. Hello everyone, I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy.

Kind regards.

I attached some of the pictures of the simulation that I am getting, the wall is meant to hit the approximately half way the vertical seawall.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot_44.jpg (30.0 KB, 15 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot_45.jpg (58.2 KB, 11 views)
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