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Axisymmetric / Periodic Boundary Conditions in StarCCM+

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Old   February 5, 2021, 19:15
Default Axisymmetric / Periodic Boundary Conditions in StarCCM+
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Join Date: Dec 2020
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lelandt50 is on a distinguished road
Background: Second Year grad student in ME, my research is focusing on CFD. Thus far in, I've been taught a lot of theory, which explains what's going on under the hood of StarCCM+, but learning to use the software is a different beast.

I've been given a model of a turbine blade. It is an axisymmetric sector (1/48) containing just one blade. I've been told to add more and more physics as I learn StarCCM+. Started with learning meshing, added incompressible flow then went compressible, went from segregated to coupled flow. Introduced rotation, heat transfer, etc... that brings me to now.

Advisor has told me to learn how to apply symmetric boundary conditions, and I'm having trouble finding tutorials on how to do this in 3d. I understand this means the conditions on each side of side of the 1/48 slice must match to enforce symmetry and smoothness of the solution in full. Do I need to define two planes along the boundaries, and set their BCs to match somehow? I'm learning more and more that understanding the math/physics doesn't always lend itself to understanding implementation. I'd be happy with learning on a simple model, just so I can learn how to implement these BCs. Any guidance on where to find a tutorial on this, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I suppose that I should add that my advisor "is almost certain this can be done in Star, but he isn't positive". So i suppose I should ask if this can be done first.

I cannot include images or much more detail unfortunately because the technical data is restricted.
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Old   Yesterday, 15:43
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SUM is on a distinguished road
I am struggling with a similar problem right now. Did you solve your problem?
If yes then how you solved it? Can you guide me to related resources?
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