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Field function for force report's vector position (X, Y, Z)

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Old   December 10, 2020, 01:12
Default Field function for force report's vector position (X, Y, Z)
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Join Date: Dec 2020
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Hello, I am learning to understand "field functions" and have a problem with setting up a function to determine a "force-report" vector position (on whatever-axis) with a fixed coordinate system for computational area.

I have set up simple "force-reports" for multiple model areas from which I am trying to determine vector positions to than calculate moments on desired axes.

Sounds very simple but I just can't figure it out... at first I tried multiple "moment-reports" without thinking but realized that the used (from report itself unknown) force is probably a result of all (x,y,z) axes "pressure, shear" vectors combined, and it cannot be just simply predefined for one of the axes like in the simple "force report"... so I realized it won't be as simple and possible without using some sort of a "expression/field function". I tried to create some but failed miserably, without even understanding the basics of it, can you please help me with this particular function or point me in the right direction to learn the basics so I can figure it out myself?

Edit.: Or if possible, just getting a "force report" on a specified vector position...

Thank you very much!

Last edited by Allante; December 10, 2020 at 03:06.
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Old   December 10, 2020, 10:06
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Sebastian Engel
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Originally Posted by Allante View Post
without thinking but realized that the used [...] force is probably a result of all (x,y,z) axes "pressure, shear" vectors combined
There is an option called "Force option" in the moment report which lets you select which physics are taking into account, either pressure or shear, or both.

and it cannot be just simply predefined for one of the axes like in the simple "force report".
Of course the moment report has to take an axis (and origin) into account which can also be specified in the options of this report. This also includes the possiblity to set principle axes. Therefore I have a hard time to interpret what you mean/need here.

direction to learn the basics
Please dont feel mocked, but use StarCCM's manual to better understand it whenever you can! It is really good compared to other software out there. If you have the possibility, get access to the customer portal as well, formerly Steve-Portal.

Or if possible, just getting a "force report" on a specified vector position...
I haven't understood what your specific need is here. If you mean the force on a surface, you would take the force report... but force does not have a fixed origin coordinate, its only a vector quantity (direction and magnitude). Only for the resulting angular momentum the relative position matters.

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Old   December 10, 2020, 12:25
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Originally Posted by bluebase View Post
Please dont feel mocked, but use StarCCM's manual to better understand it whenever you can!
No need to be careful, I'm ok and grateful for whatever answer ... tbh I am looking into it since the begining but could not understand maybe some things or it wasn't as clear as I my self need it to be...

I haven't understood what your specific need is here. If you mean the force on a surface, you would take the force report... but force does not have a fixed origin coordinate, its only a vector quantity (direction and magnitude). Only for the resulting angular momentum the relative position matters.
Superb, I do understand you tho (origin/position)... ok I'll try to specify better what I need...

I can probably tell this two ways... I am trying to report a maximum pressure + shear force (in direction 0;0;1) on a surface part ...

1. ... and than I am trying to get a origin of this (0;0;1) force vector on (1;0;0) axis to be able to use it further for moment calculations.

2. ... in a point of interest (with specified origin e.g. 3;0.7;0)

Or from what I understand maybe not correct... I can get scalar maximum in (0,0,1) direction using a derived part plane/probe with some origin... or some other derived part functions... "maybe"

Or using "bands" in force report...

Thank you very much
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