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Treatment and visual representation of CAD in Starccm vs other meshing software

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Old   October 4, 2020, 04:13
Default Treatment and visual representation of CAD in Starccm vs other meshing software
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Mandeep Shetty
Join Date: Apr 2016
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granzer is on a distinguished road
Hello, I am learning mehsing in starccm after using other software's like fluent, ICEM, hypermesh, ANSA. In starccm the when a CAD model is imported the surface triangulation is not hidden but in software's like ICEM etc the underlying surface triangulation is hidden and we get to deal with individual surface. Ex: In ICEM, for intel of a round pipe we deal with a round surface and not it's underlying triangulation. But in Starccm we get a bunch of triangles at the inlet ( which from a circular intel).

Why doesn't Starccm hide the underlying triangulation of a surface and just show the surface?is there an option to swithch of the surface triangulation and deal with just the surfaces ?
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Old   October 13, 2020, 09:54
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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ping is on a distinguished road
star does indeed work with your actual nurbs etc surfaces if you either create the cad in its inbuilt cad tool called 3d-cad or if you import the geometry as cad surfaces into either 3d-cad or into the parts area - ie don't import as triangulated data.

when taking parts into parts your can control the tesselation density (and re-tesselate if not happy) and the surface can be displayed as triangulated but you can turn that display off.
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