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SIGSEGV Memory Access Exeption when Exporting Files using 'Update'

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Old   April 22, 2020, 11:50
Default SIGSEGV Memory Access Exeption when Exporting Files using 'Update'
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James Permain
Join Date: Feb 2020
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I have been receiving an SIGSEGV error during runs of my simulations. I am running these using a JAVA Macro in STAR over the a remote external HPC cluster at my university.

I ran a number of simulations using the MACRO, that cycyles through a number of parameters and outputs CP data into a csv file once a specific waypoint is met. These simulations seemed to run fine and the data was outputted in the specified directories and with the specified names.

However when I went back to run them again, STAR displayed the SIGSEGV message. The first loop of the simulation runs fine and stops according to my stopping criteria. However during the second run, set up by the macro, the program breaks when the data is attempted to be outputted using the STAR 'update' tool.

I have tried re-naming the STAR file, renaming the folders the files are output to, running on a different number of cores and they all produce the error message during the second simulation. I have also run a similar dynamic motion sim file using updtaes in a macro and this fails too. It seems that there is an issue at this stage of the simulation. I have also run both sims with the macro but with the 'save to file' option clicked off and so it seems not to be the macro that is failing, but the process of the exporting of the data.

The same sim files and macros runs fine on my laptop's own hard drive!

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening and any help with how to fix it?

If not are there are any work arounds, by which I can output my CP data at specific heights in my domain during the dynamic motion without using the 'update' tool in STAR?

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