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Coupling HEEDS with the LSF scheduler

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Old   February 7, 2020, 04:33
Default Coupling HEEDS with the LSF scheduler
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Join Date: Feb 2020
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I am struggling in submitting STAR-CCM+ simulations using HEEDS in combination with the LSF job scheduler.

Does anyone know how to correctly specify 1) the submission command and 2) execution commands within HEEDS?

In the ideal world, the submission command for a batch job using LSF is as simple as

<submission command> <execution command>

bsub <

where the submission script contains all the LSF directives for resources allocations and so on, following this syntax

#BSUB -n 64
#BSUB -J test
#BSUB -W 00:30.
some more options and commands to be executed

In HEEDS, both the submission command and execution command are specified by some strings in the GUI.

Does anyone know if I have to specify the submission commands options (e.g. -J -W -q etc.) within the submission command string or I just need to type "bsub" and then, in the execution command string, I load a submission script containing all the LSF directives plus the commands to be executed?

Also, how do I know if the job is actually running on the compute nodes in the cluster? I have noticed that HEEDS claims the job is running, however if I query LSF for any job running nothing shows up, which is suspicious.

Any suggestions/ideas very much welcomed!

Thank you very much!

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heeds, hpc cluster, lsf, scheduling, starccm+

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