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Star 13.06.012 mismatched types in mpi error server reset

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Old   April 14, 2019, 12:19
Default Star 13.06.012 mismatched types in mpi error server reset
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Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 7
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I am currently running into this problem anytime I run a simulation then run its reports. A few months ago I did not have any errors running the same simulation. I have macros that do the whole process for me but I have triple checked them and i am confident they are not the issue. Any help is appreciated.

Error: Mismatched types in MPI reduction of ReportReductionBuffer
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'cjd0052'
OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
00007FF9DFE9ABD7 (StarPlatform): (filename not available): OS::Io::SocketHandle::SocketHandle
00007FF9DFEB7F98 (StarPlatform): (filename not available): Uuid::setFromStarString
00007FF9DFFA3A33 (StarNeo): (filename not available): NonRecoverableError::NonRecoverableError
00007FF9DFF9D6F8 (StarNeo): (filename not available): InternalError::InternalError
00007FF9C4454B97 (StarReport): (filename not available): ReportParallelReduction::reduceData
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9DD93103A)
00007FF9DD93103A (StarPlatformMpi): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00007FF9BFE930B5 (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
00007FF9BFE0970E (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
00007FF9BFDF7F1C (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
00007FF9BFDF85E2 (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
00007FF9DD93CA30 (StarPlatformMpi): (filename not available): CCM_MPI_Allreduce_imp
00007FF9DF88D463 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Communicator::_allReduce
00007FF9C4453EAF (StarReport): (filename not available): ReportParallelReduction::reduceData
00007FF9C1461A5E (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport::getLocalShearForce
00007FF9C1469EBE (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport:arallelReduce
00007FF9C146C102 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport::endReport
00007FF9BCBAFC46 (FlowModel): (filename not available): VectorReport::invalidateReportValues
00007FF9BCBAEC29 (FlowModel): (filename not available): VectorReport::getReportValuesInternal
00007FF9C44195D9 (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
00007FF9C440FDA3 (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
00007FF9C441E03B (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
00007FF9DFF73867 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller::executeCommand
00007FF9DFF72953 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller:rocessCommands
00007FF9DF871871 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController::scatterCommand
00007FF9DF870863 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController:rocessCommands
00007FF9DF93388A (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::startServerHost
00007FF9DF92573E (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::main
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6A8EB18E3)
00007FF6A8EB18E3 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6A8EBDAD7)
00007FF6A8EBDAD7 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00007FFA19117974 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFA1B93A271 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Connection reset
Mismatched types in MPI reduction of ReportReductionBuffer
Processor: 0
Recoverability: Non-recoverable
ServerStack: [SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'cjd0052'
, OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
, 00007FF9DFE9ABD7 (StarPlatform): (filename not available): OS::Io::SocketHandle::SocketHandle
, 00007FF9DFEB7F98 (StarPlatform): (filename not available): Uuid::setFromStarString
, 00007FF9DFFA3A33 (StarNeo): (filename not available): NonRecoverableError::NonRecoverableError
, 00007FF9DFF9D6F8 (StarNeo): (filename not available): InternalError::InternalError
, 00007FF9C4454B97 (StarReport): (filename not available): ReportParallelReduction::reduceData
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9DD93103A)
, 00007FF9DD93103A (StarPlatformMpi): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, 00007FF9BFE930B5 (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
, 00007FF9BFE0970E (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
, 00007FF9BFDF7F1C (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
, 00007FF9BFDF85E2 (libpcmpi64): (filename not available): mpi_win_detach__
, 00007FF9DD93CA30 (StarPlatformMpi): (filename not available): CCM_MPI_Allreduce_imp
, 00007FF9DF88D463 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Communicator::_allReduce
, 00007FF9C4453EAF (StarReport): (filename not available): ReportParallelReduction::reduceData
, 00007FF9C1461A5E (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport::getLocalShearForce
, 00007FF9C1469EBE (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport:arallelReduce
, 00007FF9C146C102 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): ForceReport::endReport
, 00007FF9BCBAFC46 (FlowModel): (filename not available): VectorReport::invalidateReportValues
, 00007FF9BCBAEC29 (FlowModel): (filename not available): VectorReport::getReportValuesInternal
, 00007FF9C44195D9 (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
, 00007FF9C440FDA3 (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
, 00007FF9C441E03B (StarReport): (filename not available): Report::getReportValue
, 00007FF9DFF73867 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller::executeCommand
, 00007FF9DFF72953 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller:rocessCommands
, 00007FF9DF871871 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController::scatterCommand
, 00007FF9DF870863 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController:rocessCommands
, 00007FF9DF93388A (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::startServerHost
, 00007FF9DF92573E (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::main
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6A8EB18E3)
, 00007FF6A8EB18E3 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6A8EBDAD7)
, 00007FF6A8EBDAD7 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, 00007FFA19117974 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
, 00007FFA1B93A271 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
ServerState: exiting
error: Internal Error
expression: in->_type == inOut->_type
file: ReportParallelReduction.cpp
line: 54
MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 32
Design STAR-CCM+ simulation completed
Server process exited with code : 32
Exception during disconnect star.common.TaskManager_6917529027641081856
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