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Rotation - Overset Mesh Issue

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Old   July 25, 2018, 15:09
Default Rotation - Overset Mesh Issue
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D Huang
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 13
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I tried to make DEM model (a vessel with a screw (rotor) in the center, the balls are injected from bottom, and extracted out from the top outlet). I followed the help tutorial. But I got a problem that the screw was missing in the visualized result. Only the bottom shows rotation, I could not see the entire screw. Here are the steps I did, please advise.

1. Create two parts - One is the boot (domain block), another one is the rotor ( which is the screw subtract by a solid cylinder). I also define the boot surfaces: wall, inlet, and outlet; the screw surfaces: interface (cylinder), screw, top, and bottom.

2. Assign the parts to region, define the interface under rotor as "Overset mesh", I also define the interface by selecting both regions and clicking "Overset Mesh".

3. Then, I define physics (my case is DEM - Lagrangian Multiphases).

4. Setup meshes under Conitnua. SetUp two meshes for each region (rotor and boot). Select "Polyhedral Mesher" and "Surface Remesher" for Boot mesh; Select "Polyhedral Mesher" and "Surface Remesher", "Prism Layer Mesher", and "Surfaces Wrpper" for Rotor mesh. Base size for Boot is 0.06, and base size for rotor is 0.015.

5. Create new "Volume Shapes" under "Tools", and Create a solid cylinder (named "CCC") that its size is slightly larger than the rotor interface. Then, create new Volumetric Controls under "Boot Mesh", select both Polyhedral Mesher" and "Surface Remesher", active custom size, and set relative size.

6, Complete Mesh, define Injector (Part of procedure for DEM). And I also defined rotation motion under tool and region(rotor region, define the rotation at the boundary of screw as well). Run the model. However, the result did show the rotor in the center. I could not figure out what is wrong. The balls are supposed to be extracted by the screw in the center.

I didn't figure out why the most important rotor is missing in the final result, here is screen shoot of rotor mesh.

Could you please advise on this issue?
Thank you again for your help.
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