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Symmetry in VOF Waves

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Old   June 19, 2018, 07:29
Default Symmetry in VOF Waves
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Join Date: Jun 2018
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raquelcfd is on a distinguished road

I am trying to simulate a submerged rectangular plate under a flat wave model in StarCcm+.

My plate is completely symmetrical, that is why I decided o simulate it using a symmetry plane.

But I have found some doubts:

As I am using a DOF model I have to define the characteristics of the plate: weight, inertial moments, gravity center. But if I am using a symmetry plane, Which values should I define?

I mean, in the case of the weight I use half of the total weight. But what about the gravity center? Because the real one it is not the one of the half plate. And same in the inertial moments.

I do not know if I should use the values of the half plate referenced to the “half part” gravity center, the inertial moment values of the half part referenced to the “total” gravity center, or the “total” inertial moments referenced to the “total” gravity center. Does anybody have an idea about this topic?

And then, If I create a report of the pressure in the up surface of the plate, the given results are related to the half plate, aren’t they?

Thanks in advanced
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inertial moments, starccm+, symmetry, vof, waves

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