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How to clean up imported geometry

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Old   February 6, 2018, 16:39
Default How to clean up imported geometry
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I am trying to set up a model of a stirred tank (where a propeller is used to mix the liquid tank contents). I have created the required components (tank, baffles, impeller, liquid injection nozzles, etc.) in CAD (Inventor "cgs" files), and imported them into Star-CCM+ as "parts". I then attempted to create some additional Parts by performing Boolean operations on COPIES of some of those components.

My problem is that some of the new parts thus created have surface defects which cause the Boolean operations to fail.

I guess that one could simply create all the additional components directly in CAD rather than try to create them through Boolean operations, but I would like to repair the errors in the part surfaces. I have tried to use the geometry repair tools in Star-CCM+, but I find that there is a huge variety of options --and I am not sure that I am using the process correctly.

Can someone please direct me to a procedure or tutorial that may help me to adequately prepare my Parts? I would particularly like to see tutorials where the surface repair process is discussed along the way, rather than some where the process is performed rapidly without actually showing on screen which commands are being used.

Thank you
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Old   February 7, 2018, 01:53
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Ashok Chaudhari
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Originally Posted by RKE View Post
I am trying to set up a model of a stirred tank (where a propeller is used to mix the liquid tank contents). I have created the required components (tank, baffles, impeller, liquid injection nozzles, etc.) in CAD (Inventor "cgs" files), and imported them into Star-CCM+ as "parts". I then attempted to create some additional Parts by performing Boolean operations on COPIES of some of those components.

My problem is that some of the new parts thus created have surface defects which cause the Boolean operations to fail.

I guess that one could simply create all the additional components directly in CAD rather than try to create them through Boolean operations, but I would like to repair the errors in the part surfaces. I have tried to use the geometry repair tools in Star-CCM+, but I find that there is a huge variety of options --and I am not sure that I am using the process correctly.

Can someone please direct me to a procedure or tutorial that may help me to adequately prepare my Parts? I would particularly like to see tutorials where the surface repair process is discussed along the way, rather than some where the process is performed rapidly without actually showing on screen which commands are being used.

Thank you
refer this section of user guide.

Pre-Processing > Modeling Geometry > Repairing CAD Geometry

Intersecting faces (pierced faces), proximity surfaces, face quality are acceptable geometry errors and they will mostly removed during meshing by CCM itself. So we have to worry about Free edges, non-manifold edges and vertices. There are options in surface repair which can be used to remove these errors. Like if you have free edges because of hole in geometry then you can use fill hole option to remove free edges error. You have to try various options to get command on these or if you can then repair the geometry in CAD software itself.
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geometry preparation, geometry set-up, model setup

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