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Auto Save Option in Starccm+

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Old   July 24, 2017, 09:25
Default Auto Save Option in Starccm+
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I am doing a LES based Multiphase simulation and hence I have my dt of order e-6 and I have given the case to run 5 physical seconds as stopping criteria. But I want to see the intermediate results lets say like every 0.5 seconds to see the evolution and also to see the instantaneous results. But the problem is I am not able to get it as I gave the Auto save option to 5 and it dint save any files. And the simulation ran and finally after my wall time in my cluster was exceeded it saved the last file during that iteration which also I am not able to open as it says ''The file was not saved properly ''
I can run only 1 day/24hour and thats the walltime and my ABORT file is created at the 23rd hour and hence it has one hour to generate the final file but it dint save it properly so what could be the reason ? Kindly help me with this. Also let me know how I can get the intermediate results as different files during the computation ? Thanks in advance
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Old   July 24, 2017, 09:50
Join Date: Nov 2015
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taillanm is on a distinguished road

File > Auto Save
Max Autosaved Files, give it 10. Under the node Update, click "Enbaled", under "trigger" select delta time and type 0.5 under delta time frequency.
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Old   July 24, 2017, 11:23
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Can you give me some details what all these means ? Does it create seperate files during the run ? And not a single file at the end with some name @2000.sim etc..

My case has a dt of 1e-6 and I gave Maximum Physical time as 5 seconds to run. And what exactly is this inner iterations ?

For a simple case Example : Maximum Physical Time is 5 seconds and dt is 5e-4 then the iteration is 1e4 ? So the simulation needs only cpu time for 1e4 iterations ? Am I correct ? In this case each 1 Iteration there will be 5 inner iterations ? Kindly educate me with this .

And Autosave of 5 and nothing else enabled and my cluster has a walltime of 24hours and hence the job gets cancelled after that. So my abort file is created at 23 hours and hence there is one hour to save the simulation but it dont save properly.. Thats why am worried as I am wasting complete one day.
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Old   July 24, 2017, 13:26
Join Date: Nov 2015
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taillanm is on a distinguished road
Q: "Can you give me some details what all these means ? Does it create seperate files during the run ? And not a single file at the end with some name @2000.sim etc.. "

A: it means it will save the simulation into separate files every 0.5sec, no matter what time step used or inner iterations per time step.

Q: "My case has a dt of 1e-6 and I gave Maximum Physical time as 5 seconds to run. And what exactly is this inner iterations ?"

A: with a time step of 1e-6 to simulate 5 sec it will last an eternity. That's a different topic. The inner iterations means how many iterations per time step your simulation runs. A good way to "measure" this is to make some reports of physical data in your simulation (points or planes in series parts) and monitor as the solution progresses. When your time step is converged it means you can go to lower iterations per time step.

Q: "For a simple case Example : Maximum Physical Time is 5 seconds and dt is 5e-4 then the iteration is 1e4 ? So the simulation needs only cpu time for 1e4 iterations ? Am I correct ? In this case each 1 Iteration there will be 5 inner iterations ? Kindly educate me with this . "

A: I don't know what you are trying to simulate so it's difficult to assess if your time step is too big or small

Q: "And Autosave of 5 and nothing else enabled and my cluster has a walltime of 24hours and hence the job gets cancelled after that. So my abort file is created at 23 hours and hence there is one hour to save the simulation but it dont save properly.. Thats why am worried as I am wasting complete one day."

A: If the job gets cancelled after 23hrs one idea could be to write a script that will take the simulation that was saved after 23hrs and launch it in batch again
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