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Jet impingment heat transfer

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Old   November 25, 2016, 10:42
Default Jet impingment heat transfer
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Callum Wood
Join Date: Apr 2016
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Hi, I'm working on a project to design a turbine tip clearance system that involves cooling the turbine casing using impinging jets. However i'm very new to conjugate heat transfer and I am just practicing on a simplified case involving a flat 3d surface with a single jet of air directed at 90 degrees to the surface. I am struggling to get the simulation working the way I want it to.
I know the temperature of the jet of air and the temperature of the case (based on air temperature at the turbine stage). I've tried to set the temperature of the bottom surface to the turbine stage temperature but when I do this, it does not allow the jet to cool all of the way through to the other side of the surface and as a result the reduction in temperature of the surface is extremely small. Could anybody help me with this, there's so little resources available to me on the subject.
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Old   November 28, 2016, 18:15
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me3840 is on a distinguished road
It sounds like you have a boundary condition problem. If you are specifying the temperature on both sides of the solid, then the conduction of heat through it is easily solved with a 1D analysis. What you probably want to do is set the heat flux (or convective condition) on the outside of the turbine. That way its temperature can adjust to what the jet can provide.
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