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Star CCM+ can't overwrite existing track file

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Old   July 8, 2015, 10:44
Default Star CCM+ can't overwrite existing track file
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Axel Fiedler
Join Date: Jul 2015
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I am trying to calculate particle tracks in Star CCM+ under Windows 7. I have a finished calculated flow field and now want to calculate the tracks for different particle sizes etc.

If I open the simulation and calculate the first set of particle tracks everything works just fine. However if I now change the properties of the particles and try to calculate the now tracks, the track file is not changed. If I delete the old track file in "Tools/Track Files" and in the folder of the simulation Star CCM+ also doesn't generate a new track file. It seems like Star is locking the trk.tmp-file and can't change it for some reason.

The only work-around I found so far is to close the simulation everytime, delete the trk-file and the trk.tmp-file, open Star again and run the next simulation. I also tried to run Star as an admin with no success.

I would be glad if someone could help.
Best regards,
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star ccm+, tracking

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