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Flow with periodic temperature

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Old   May 28, 2015, 05:05
Default Flow with periodic temperature
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Join Date: May 2015
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Good Morning everyone,

I would like to simulate simply a small fan inside a train coach with only an mass flow inlet and an outlet. It's a very small part of the simulation of the coach and I want to visualise the temperature variation inside the whole coach, that's why the fan is reduced to a simple box with an inlet on one side and the outlet on one other. I set the mass flow going through the box, but I didn't manage to make that the total temperature of the flow coming inside of the box (by an outlet considering the fluid volume which is around the box) is equal to the total temperature at the inlet (still considering the fluid volume).

My approach is to make a periodic interface between the inlet and outlet with a fully-developed type which allow to set a periodic aspect for energy.

However when I set the mass flow rate for the flow option, the error "floating point exception" occurs for the segregated flow solver.
And if I change this parameter for a pressure jump, the simulation runs but the total temperature at the inlet is not equal to the one in outlet.

Anyone know maybe how to solve this issue?

Thank you for your help,
Best regards,

Last edited by Florian31; May 29, 2015 at 11:14.
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