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Issue simulating rolling in head waves

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Old   March 6, 2015, 08:21
Default Issue simulating rolling in head waves
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Alistair Galbraith
Join Date: Mar 2015
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The aim of my project is to simulate a Tumblehome vessel travelling in headwaves and investigate the parametric rolling that occurs. Though it runs perfectly when it is not rolling as soon as rolling occurs, severe problems occur, particularly with the free surface.
I have been advised to use an overset mesh, however I am enquiring how best to follow in the tutorials in regard to my project and what other steps should I take to get to the stage of obtaining useful results.
I am also wondering how do I create create the background and the overset geometries from scratch, do I do it the same way as in the resistance tutorial or do I do it in a different set up as there is two separate parts required? How to I include my ship in the overset geometry and not the background?

How large should the overset mesh be surrounding my ship? Is there a maximum and minimum recommended size?

The tutorial for the lifeboat stated that physics continua should be laminar, however the headwave tutorial stated it should be turbulent, therefore for my simulation which should I choose?

For transformation, like what the tutorial suggested, to encourage the parametric rolling, would I rotate the ship a certain number of degrees around the x-axis?

Should the boundary conditions be set up in a similar way to the lifeboat tutorial considering that I am looking at headwaves?

Any help will be much appreciated.
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Old   March 6, 2015, 10:58
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fluid23 is on a distinguished road
I would recommend talking to tech support if you have worked the tutorials but are having a tough time getting started with your model. They can usually bridge the gap between the two fairly easily.

I wish I could be of more help, but your are venturing into territory foreign to us aero-nerds.
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Old   July 7, 2016, 06:30
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rahulpawar is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by alistair.galbraith View Post
The aim of my project is to simulate a Tumblehome vessel travelling in headwaves and investigate the parametric rolling that occurs. Though it runs perfectly when it is not rolling as soon as rolling occurs, severe problems occur, particularly with the free surface.
I have been advised to use an overset mesh, however I am enquiring how best to follow in the tutorials in regard to my project and what other steps should I take to get to the stage of obtaining useful results.
I am also wondering how do I create create the background and the overset geometries from scratch, do I do it the same way as in the resistance tutorial or do I do it in a different set up as there is two separate parts required? How to I include my ship in the overset geometry and not the background?

How large should the overset mesh be surrounding my ship? Is there a maximum and minimum recommended size?

The tutorial for the lifeboat stated that physics continua should be laminar, however the headwave tutorial stated it should be turbulent, therefore for my simulation which should I choose?

For transformation, like what the tutorial suggested, to encourage the parametric rolling, would I rotate the ship a certain number of degrees around the x-axis?

Should the boundary conditions be set up in a similar way to the lifeboat tutorial considering that I am looking at headwaves?

Any help will be much appreciated.

did you get any help? Please forward me too.
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head seas, overset mesh, rolling

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