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Liquid Body Armor

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Old   November 3, 2014, 20:33
Unhappy Liquid Body Armor
New Member
Fardin Khalili
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 10
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As a course project, I am working on analysis of liquid body armor that is based on Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF). STF consists of Polyethylene Glycol and silica nanoparticle. It behaves like a liquid in under no stress and acts like a solid when shear stress forces apply on it. I want to simulate it when the bullet hits the surface and the surface as(STF, non-Newtonian fluids) behaves like it does in reality. Then I can analyze the energy dispersion over the surface. The surface as a bulletproof body armor should resist the force of the bullet. I was wondering if it is possible to simulate this application via STAR-CCM+, and how? I think I could fix the translation motion of the bullet. Now, when the bullet reaches the surface of the Kevlar, it just passes it and does not have any influence on it. It means the bullet does NOT stop when it hits the bullet, and nothing happens to the Kevlar such as shear stresses. In addition, the Kevlar is a high viscous fluid that is non-Newtonian, but when it is under impact of stress, it converts to a solid. This is what happens in reality. Please help me to simulate it.
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bullet, kevlar, liquid body armor, non-newtonian fluid

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