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Heat Transfer Error Message

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Old   September 22, 2014, 22:00
Unhappy Heat Transfer Error Message
New Member
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 13
Rep Power: 12
darsonli is on a distinguished road
I am running a Solid-Water heat transfer problem under transient conditions. First, I ran the model without any heat fluxes for some time, and then I turned the heat transfer model on. However, after the heat transfer model has been turned on, I keep getting the following error message. Anyone can help? Thank you in advance.

Warning: Variable Old Total Energy is not available. Energy equation unsteady source term set to zero.
Attempt to access unallocated VolumeFractionLevel1 storage in cells in Solid Bottom
Command: RunSimulation
CompletedCommand: RunSimulation
Recoverability: Non-recoverable
ServerStack: [SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'z3325081'
, OS-Version: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1
, 000007FEEDE456EF (StarPlatform): (filename not available): Platform:perator=
, 000007FEEDEDDF34 (StarNeo): (filename not available): NonRecoverableError::NonRecoverableError
, 000007FEEDF7A818 (StarNeo): (filename not available): InternalError::InternalError
, 000007FEEB43DE59 (StarStorage): (filename not available): StoredVariable<double>::getStorageImpl
, 000007FEEB44C567 (StarStorage): (filename not available): StoredVariable<double>::Engine::Engine
, 000007FEE2E6A27E (EnergyModel): (filename not available): DensityP::~DensityP
, 000007FEE3329C22 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): EnergyEquation::UnsteadySourceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE33299D0 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): EnergyEquation::UnsteadySourceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE2B82C03 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): HeatExchangerInterfaceRegionCondition::HeatExchang erInterfaceRegionCondition
, 000007FEEA34BBD1 (StarSolve): (filename not available): CellTerm::evaluate
, 000007FEEA3471CF (StarSolve): (filename not available): CellTerm::evaluate
, 000007FEE3304F82 (EnergyModel): (filename not available): EnergyEquation::accumulateUnsteadySource
, 000007FEDF995279 (SegregatedEnergyModel): (filename not available): SegregatedSolidEnergyModel::accumulateUnsteadySour ces
, 000007FEDF972049 (SegregatedEnergyModel): (filename not available): SegregatedEnergySolver::iterationUpdate
, 000007FEEA356F01 (StarSolve): (filename not available): RunnableSolver::doSolverIterationUpdate
, 000007FEEA355E17 (StarSolve): (filename not available): RunnableSolver::iterate
, 000007FEEA3D47CE (StarSolve): (filename not available): ImplicitUnsteadySolver::step
, 000007FEEA3DC23E (StarSolve): (filename not available): SimulationIterator::startSimulation
, 000007FEEA452E2E (StarSolve): (filename not available): RGradVarBase::autoAllocateStorage
, 000007FEEDF488C4 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller::executeCommand
, 000007FEEDF47688 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller:rocessCommands
, 000007FEEE1E1AC9 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController:rocessCommands
, 000007FEEE0E36B9 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::startServerHost
, 000007FEEE0D2AA6 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::main
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013F7D1226)
, 000000013F7D1226 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013F7D551E)
, 000000013F7D551E (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, 00000000779459ED (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
, 0000000077A7BA01 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
error: Server Error
expression: autoAllocateStorage(g)
file: StoredVariable_t.h
line: 300
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