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Help in setting up an overset mesh

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Old   February 21, 2014, 16:10
Default Help in setting up an overset mesh
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RKE is on a distinguished road
I'm trying to model the motion of a solid object through a two-phase fluid contained in a vessel. I would like to use three geometry files, representing the TANK, OVERSET MESH and SOLID BODY.

Reading the information available in the HELP and USER REFERENCE, I am led to believe that each of the geometry files can be imported individually as a region so that SOLID BODY is contained inside OVERSET MESH, and this in turn contained inside TANK. Then, the boundaries of OVERSET MESH are designated to be of type "Overset Mesh", and an interface of type "Overset Mesh" is set up between the TANK and OVERSET MESH regions. TANK and OVERSET MESH must belong to the same physics continuum.

I intend to use a physics continuum model lineup that includes Gravity, the VOF model, appropriate definition of phases and phase interactions, initial conditions, etc. (I have used such models successfully in other cases).

However, I cannot get this set-up to run. The tutorials in the cd-adapco website start from a point beyond where I need to start (i. e., they start from a point where geometry has already been constructed --and actually treat the moving bodies as shell boundaries, such as in the lifeboat entry or passing cars scenario). I need to be able to retain the SOLID BODY as a region.

Can someone comment on the above description of my strategy, or maybe provide a very simple example of the setup of an overset mesh case?

Thanks in advance!
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Old   February 21, 2014, 22:35
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lava12005 is on a distinguished road
There will be only 2 regions needed by the end.
This will be created from 3 Geometry that you have (TANK, OVERSET DOMAIN, SOLID BODY)
The first one is for the moving OVERSET where the OVERSET DOMAIN (which you created) is subtracted by the SOLID BODY.
And the second one is from the TANK where the OVERSET is located.

Once you have created the overset domain, SOLID BODY and subtract them, the rest will be 2 region and should be similar to the lifeboat entry tutorial.

You designate the boundary of OVERSET MESH type as overset then the rest follow.
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