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Peng Robinson Equation of State and Varying Specific Heat

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Old   March 25, 2013, 17:35
Default Peng Robinson Equation of State and Varying Specific Heat
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 72
Rep Power: 17
Jonny6001 is on a distinguished road

I am looking at solving a compressible case which involves a gas that does not behave like an ideal gas. I am therefore using the Peng-Robinson equation of state that requires the critical temperature and pressure along with an accentricity factor, I can find these values from literature.

Does anyone have experience of the Peng-Robinson EOS within Star CCM? If so, did you have success?

Also the constant pressure specific heat of the gas I am simulation changes quite drastically with both temperature and pressure. Is there a way in Star CCM+ of defining the specific heat as a function of both temperature and pressure? Or do people usually simplify the pressure-temperature relationship to a simpler polynomial?

Thank you.
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