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problem when imported geometry from 3D CAD to star ccm,

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Old   March 16, 2013, 09:49
Default problem when imported geometry from 3D CAD to star ccm,
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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TAREK GANAT is on a distinguished road
I am building a complex model using AutoCAD, in the model there is one inlet and 3 outlet, so i build the model in 3D and i imported the model to 3D CAD to generate it in igs format. then i imported the model to star ccm. the problem is it shows me 30 bodies, and as my understanding star ccm can not accept many bodies, but only as one body otherwise the flow will stop at the first body and it will not go to the second body as defined in the geometry. besides, when I imported the geometry to star ccm, there is no geometry icon appear in star ccm tool bar.

So, I have couple of equations:

1- how to import the geometry to star ccm as one body? or
2- is it possible to do that by defining many bodies in star ccm? and how the flow goes inside the geometry from body to other bodies?
3- is it because of the format used to import the model?
4- can import the geometry fro AUTOCAD to star ccm and at what format?

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Old   May 21, 2013, 23:15
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Abdullah Karimi
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Originally Posted by TAREK GANAT View Post
I am building a complex model using AutoCAD, in the model there is one inlet and 3 outlet, so i build the model in 3D and i imported the model to 3D CAD to generate it in igs format. then i imported the model to star ccm. the problem is it shows me 30 bodies, and as my understanding star ccm can not accept many bodies, but only as one body otherwise the flow will stop at the first body and it will not go to the second body as defined in the geometry. besides, when I imported the geometry to star ccm, there is no geometry icon appear in star ccm tool bar.

So, I have couple of equations:

1- how to import the geometry to star ccm as one body? or
2- is it possible to do that by defining many bodies in star ccm? and how the flow goes inside the geometry from body to other bodies?
3- is it because of the format used to import the model?
4- can import the geometry fro AUTOCAD to star ccm and at what format?

Having multiple bodies as different regions will not be a problem. YOu can create interfaces where you want.
The geometry can be imported into starccm+ in many format apart from igs like stp, stl etc.
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