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Optimate Error

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Old   March 6, 2013, 22:12
Default Optimate Error
New Member
Zack Hoyle
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 18
Rep Power: 13
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Hi! I am trying to run optimate on Star CCM. I am doing this because I have 10 power tokens allowing me to use more than one processor core at a time. Ive already tried contacting support but it has been a while, and I have gotten no response.
When I go to the run tab of the optimate plugin, I press "Run baseline model", and I get this error message:

Playing macro: E:\StarCCM Files\
Error Reading Input File!
Closing connection to server and exiting
"C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+7.06.009\win64\intel12.1\star-ccm+.exe" -tokensonly -doeuuid 579beaf-5418-479f-96ba-4d8e1913312a March5SwirlyNodamEntrance.sim
"C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+7.06.009\win64\intel12.1\star-ccm+.exe" -tokensonly -doeuuid 579beaf-5418-479f-96ba-4d8e1913312a March5SwirlyNodamEntrance.sim
"C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+7.06.009\win64\intel12.1\star-ccm+.exe" -tokensonly -doeuuid 579beaf-5418-479f-96ba-4d8e1913312a March5SwirlyNodamEntrance.sim
"C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+7.06.009\win64\intel12.1\star-ccm+.exe" -tokensonly -doeuuid 579beaf-5418-479f-96ba-4d8e1913312a March5SwirlyNodamEntrance.sim
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Platform Computing\Platform-MPI\bin\mpirun.exe" -np 4 "C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+7.06.009\starccm+.exe" -tokensonly -doeuuid 579beaf-5418-479f-96ba-4d8e1913312a March5SwirlyNodamEntrance.sim -node
Server process exited with code 0
STAR-CCM+ job is complete."

I press the "print message file" button and the output of the optimate plugin says "The system cannot find the file specified". It turns out that Optimate is supposed to print a file called "Agent_Group_1.mes" in the original file path, and is supposed to be always writing to the file. When i press "Run baseline model", this file is not created in the folder. I dont know what the issue is, and I dont know how to fix it.

The command line in optimate when I try to run the baseline says: starccm+.exe -doeuuid 21873a31-4095-44b0-993b-64f0220225ac -tokensonly -nosuite March6Swirlyexperimenting.sim -batch

Do you guys have any idea what the problem might be?? Thanks for the help.
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