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Line Probe Smoothing

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Old   February 16, 2013, 08:42
Default Line Probe Smoothing
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 14
badger1 is on a distinguished road

I am having some trouble with the line probe function in Starccm+ and creating a plot from it.

I have a turbine blade and on the surface is a line probe starting at the surface and on a vector normal to the surface (shown in the image) 2D_NFC_1f_Mesh Scene 1.png

I am then looking to assess the velocity profile in this region so I have created a plot.
2D_NFC_1f_XY Plot 2.png

As you can see the plot is not very smooth as some of the cells have a number of line probe points in them and others near the surface have only one.

I have used the smoothing function as shown below but there are still issues (at the corner for example at a velocity of 14m/s) so I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to sort this.
2D_NFC_1f_XY Plot 2_smoothed.png

I really just want to create a line probe or something and when extracting data only take the value in each cell once and associate that value with the centre of the cell for example not multiple times at different locations in the cell.

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Old   May 21, 2013, 23:36
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Abdullah Karimi
Join Date: Nov 2010
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abdullahkarimi is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by badger1 View Post

I am having some trouble with the line probe function in Starccm+ and creating a plot from it.

I have a turbine blade and on the surface is a line probe starting at the surface and on a vector normal to the surface (shown in the image) Attachment 19069

I am then looking to assess the velocity profile in this region so I have created a plot.
Attachment 19070

As you can see the plot is not very smooth as some of the cells have a number of line probe points in them and others near the surface have only one.

I have used the smoothing function as shown below but there are still issues (at the corner for example at a velocity of 14m/s) so I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to sort this.
Attachment 19071

I really just want to create a line probe or something and when extracting data only take the value in each cell once and associate that value with the centre of the cell for example not multiple times at different locations in the cell.

The best way would be to go to 'Resolution' of the line-probe edit and then increase it so that you will have more points. By default it is 20 points which might not be sufficient.
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line probe, smoothing, steps

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