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Error with posdat.f - undefined symbol: for_open

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Old   August 16, 2007, 16:02
Default Error with posdat.f - undefined symbol: for_open
Emmanuel Resch
Posts: n/a
I encounter the following error when executing star. Just when posdat.f is called, the following message appears in the STAR window:

... "undefined symbol: for_open"

I get this error because in my code I'm trying to use inherent Fortran functions, such as OPEN, CLOSE, WRITE. Apparently, some inherent Fortran functions, including i/o functions, require linking additional Intel libraries to the STAR-CD user-supplied dynamic library I have found out what these libraries are and where they are located on my system, but I have no idea how to link them to

The following webpage describes my problem almost perfectly, but the solution they offer goes right over my head...

Any help on how to fix so that I can use these Fortran functions?

Thanks so much.
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Old   August 16, 2007, 16:42
Default Re: Error with posdat.f - undefined symbol: for_op
Posts: n/a
You could try the -ulib option of star to link in the library manually. The Fortran libraries which star links in by default are under $RUNTIME. It may be that CD-adapco can supply you with more recent $RUNTIME, compatible with your Fortran compiler, which will prevent you having to do anything manually.
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Old   August 20, 2007, 16:46
Default Re: Error with posdat.f - undefined symbol: for_op
Emmanuel Resch
Posts: n/a
Thank you Richard. Your suggestion for using the command: star -ulib worked. what i needed to do was find the intel fortran librairies on my computer that had the symbol "for_open". I did that by pathing to the /opt/intel/fc/"version"/lib directory and searching within the librairies for the symbol: "for_open"

This gave the following:

[user@redhat4 lib]$grep "for_open" *

Binary file libifcore.a matches

Binary file libifcoremt.a matches

Binary file libifcoremt_pic.a matches

Binary file matches

Binary file libifcore_pic.a matches

Binary file matches

I then copied "" and "" to the dynamic shared object folder in the star problem directory: .../ufile/linux_2.4-ifc_7.0-glibc_2.2.2-dso

Finally, I ran the following command, (where $LIB=ufile/linux_2.4-ifc_7.0-glibc_2.2.2-dso):

star -ulib="$LIB/ $LIB/ $LIB/"

This fixed the problem. Hope this helps anyone who has been running into this problem of "undefined symbol". It most likely has to do with using a newer version of the Fortran compiler and STAR is using librairies with different names that correspond to Intel FC 7.0...

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