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Passing data/variables between subroutines

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Old   August 16, 2007, 12:42
Default Passing data/variables between subroutines
Emmanuel Resch
Posts: n/a

I'm having a bit of trouble passing variables and data between subroutines. Using v3.26, I understand that the procedure for declaring/passing an array "UARRAY" of variable size is the following:

First, a common block statement (req'd for every subroutine):


Then, in the first subroutine called, the array and its pointer need to be defined:



With space in memory allocated by:


I am having difficulties with this... I am using the following subroutines which employ these arrays: sorsca.f, sorent.f, posdat.f

QUESTION: Which of these subroutines is called first, i.e. in which subroutine should I have the variable definition/memory allocation statements?

If anyone had some example files that would be a great help!

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Old   August 16, 2007, 13:44
Default Re: Passing data/variables between subroutines
Posts: n/a
You could do the memory allocation in your own subroutine, called from all three user subroutines. In that subroutine, have a logical with SAVE attribute, say INIT. Initialize INIT to false in a DATA statement. Just return if it is true, but allocate the memory and set INIT to true otherwise. Then you don't need to know the call sequence and you can guarantee that the memory will be allocated when needed, and just once. The subroutine could also initialize the memory as well as allocating it.
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