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scripting gridgen: why a connector is not saved??

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Old   July 3, 2007, 13:30
Default scripting gridgen: why a connector is not saved??
Posts: n/a
Hi, I wrote a script with two loop:

for (j..){



gg::segBegin -type 3D_LINE

gg::segAddControlPt "$a $b $c"

gg::segAddControlPt "$a $d $c"


set con(0,$j,$i) [gg::conEnd]


at the first time when j=0, the connectors are saved but at the second one I've got an error message.. ERROR: connector not saved while executing "gg::conEnd"

I looked for why there is that error but I didn't find out...

Does someone know in which case a connector is not saved??

Thanks for your help

A part of my script, if you need to have a look...

set Largeur_ss_etran [expr {$Largeur - $Longueur_Etran}];

set dist_entre_brise_H [expr {$Largeur_ss_etran / [expr {$Nbre_Brise_H + 1}] }];

set dist_entre_brise_V [expr {$Largeur_ss_etran / [expr {$Nbre_Brise_V + 1}] }];

if {$Nbre_Brise_V > 0} { set BV 2

} else {

set BV 0}

set j_limit [expr {$Nbre_Brise_H + [expr {$Nbre_Brise_V + [expr {$Nbre_Brise_E + 2}]}]}];

set i_limit [expr {3+$BV}];

set jh 0;

set jv 0;

for {set j 0} {$j <= $j_limit} {incr j} {

#Coordonnées selon l'axe x

set bh [expr {$Longueur_Etran + [expr {$jh * $dist_entre_brise_H}]}];

set bv [expr {$Longueur_Etran + [expr {$jv * $dist_entre_brise_V}]}];

if {$bv == $bh} { set a $bh incr jh; incr jv; } else {

if { $bh < $bv} {

set a $bh;

incr jh;

} else {

set a $bv;

incr jv;


set c $Demi_Hauteur;

#Coordonnées selon l'axe y

for {set i 0} {$i<= $i_limit} {incr i} {

if {$Nbre_Brise_V != 0} {

switch -glob -- $i { 0 {set b -$Profondeur} 1 {set b [expr {-$Profondeur+$Brise_V_y}]} 2 {set b $Largeur_Etran_2} 3 {set b $Largeur_Etran_1} 4 {set b [expr {$Profondeur-$Brise_V_y}]} }

switch -glob -- $i { 0 {set d [expr {-$Profondeur+$Brise_V_y}]} 1 {set d $Largeur_Etran_2} 2 {set d $Largeur_Etran_1} 3 {set d [expr {$Profondeur-$Brise_V_y}]} 4 {set d $Profondeur} }

} else { set b0; set d 1;

} gg::conBegin

gg::segBegin -type 3D_LINE

gg::segAddControlPt "$a $b $c"

gg::segAddControlPt "$a $d $c"


set con(0,$j,$i) [gg::conEnd]

} }
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Old   July 3, 2007, 15:16
Default Re: scripting gridgen: why a connector is not save
Posts: n/a
I think this is best asked in the main forum as this is the STAR-CD one....
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Old   July 28, 2007, 17:11
Default Re: scripting gridgen: why a connector is not save
John Chawner
Posts: n/a

The first thing that comes to mind is that the connector isn't saved because it duplicates one that already exists. Gridgen won't allow two connectors to be coincident.

I briefly looked at your script and didn't see any other obvious source of the problem. But I didn't run the script since it was just a fragment.

If this isn't the problem, contact Gridgen Tech Support at
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