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Old   March 12, 2007, 05:34
Default weller+problem
Posts: n/a
I am simulating GDI spray combustion using weller 3 equation model. My fuel injection starts at 90 degree after TDC. I set the combustion model and got the following scalars: C8H18, O2,CO2,H2O,N2,RVB,WRINKLE,MIXTURE FRACTION and N0. When I switched on the chemical scheme prostar automatically set the values of RVB=1 and WRINKLE=1. Hence I initialised the other scalars o2 as 0.233 and N2 as 0.767 (No EGR). Boundary also I initialisesd with the same concentration of O2 and N2. The problem I am facing is once the fuel injection starts The engine output file(*.spd01) shows some values of burned scalar C8H18( which should occur near TDC) . It also shows some values of CO2 and H2O. This happens immediately after the start of fuel injection (90 degree after TDC). The evaporated scalar 1 (i.e C8H18) also show some unrealistic value of the order od 0.92314E+34).

The above mentioned phenomena doesnot occur when I switched off the chemical scheme( which ofcourse has no meaning for combustion simulation)

Please help me in this regard. Thanks in Advance

Bye Kuri

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